Official Thread - Jango\'s Boots

Was in China yesterday and look what I found!!!



They're actually (probably obviously) bootleg Prada shoes, but it's the closest Jango-esque boots I've seen.
Gonna go pick up some black shoe polish or something to turn it black!

And guess how much it costs? US$25. :p

Problem is the largest size they had was around 9.5/10, and that was brown. They had black too, but it's even smaller, like around 9 (US size).
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Was at the mall today and found the ''Wal-Mart'' boots. I found them at Journeys. Not sure of the price, but they're there.

EDIT: Found a pic and they're not cheap, $49.99 :facepalm


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Incidentally indeed. :) I got that pair of Kilimanjaro boots. I almost didn't though. My computer died 15 minutes before the end of the auction, and by the time I got it back up and running, I had like two minutes to get my butt in gear. I'm glad I was finally able to find that tread on a boot my size. I'm going to NYC for some more in depth looking next week. I hope I can find some goodies out there. Laters!
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phantomfett, what a coincidence! I was actually gonna buy those and butcher them for the sole. Fortunately I decided that paying $81 bucks for a Rubber sole was not worth it. Listen, I am thinking of possibly casting that sole and maybe pouring some cold cast urethane rubber to make a positive. Then I was thinking of mating the cast sole with a cheap "Aqua-Sock" type shoe. Maybe just gluing them together?
I'm new here though, so I can't really ask for favors, but what If I somehow mailed you some casting supplies postage paid? Email me in my profile if you want to talk about this.
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Well here my status so far:

Went to several high-end boutiques locally (so. Florida) and spoke with some sales people who all reffered mt to two show warehouses. Neither had the old reaction styles or Bed-Stu's. One did have a style in a womens shoe that was practically a dead ringer for jangos sole. The problem? only 8.5 WOMENS size! Imagine a 6' 200 lb guy trying to shove his gigantic size 12's in that. All is not lost though, I was able to find a style of Buffalinos that have very similar soles. The only trouble is the upper. Totally diffrent, but still the sole is visually more accurate, and the focal point since most of the jango spats cover the uppers.
Take a look|Boots&partnerid=performics

What do you guys think?
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I'll take the baby blue ones":lol:" Seriously though, since the top of the boot is covered w/ armor those look pretty good.
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Mirax, i had an idea, which wouldnt work for me, but might with you...I was gonna take the No Boundries, Slippery Seattle sandals, they are a womens sandal, and rip the sole off, and then take a square toe boot, and rip its sole off, and glue the square top, and glue it to the No boundries sole. Now the soles are THE JANGO SOLE! It might work..
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Hmm, maybe I will check and see if my Walmart has them. Thanks for the idea! I haven't seen them. They have the Jango sole?
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I was at K-mart today and I saw a shoe that looks exactly like the "Wal-Mart" boot except it is a shoe.The brand is Joe Boxer and they are $19.99 They had a whole rack of them.
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OK, here are those cheap bootleg made-in-China Prada shoes after applying the highlights:



Just need to somehow paint/dye the brown part black now! :)

Not bad, eh? :D
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Wow...Very nice...

I just got some Bed stu modules and they are great except for one thing...I wear a size 11.5 and these are closer to a 10.5!

But Im going to get a shoe stretcher and strech these babies out...
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A board member sold them to me. Im still debating on what to do about the size. Like I said above, they are tight, but I can wear them. Im just worried about how my feet will look after walking around in them for a few hours.

Im also thinking about casting the soles in hydrocal so that I can send a copy to someone who was trying to get these manufactured.
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Dude, I'd think about wearing shoes the wrong size. Many years ago, I wore some cool shoes for a costume. Too small, but they looked great with the outfit. After wearing them for several hours, I developed ingrown toenails on both big toes. Several months of treating them to no avail, I ended up having to have the extra growth cut out.

Since then, I'm very aware of my exact size!
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Here's the shoe Brasstony is referring to:

Close, but not quite the same sole. Might do in a pinch.
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you could always go with a real military jungle boots for 24 dollars.

<image src=>
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Those prop palace repros dont have the correct sole. In fact the sole appears to be too flat. The rest of the boot looks very good though, although since 90% of the boot is covered you can probably get away with those vietnam Jungle boots. At least the sole looks better.
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The Prop Palace leather items are not all that great, I ordered belts from them before, and was kind of disappointed...
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