Official Show Off Your JetPack (scratchbuilt too!)

obi sean kenobi said:

Here`s the reference pic:
Jet Pack.jpg

And here is the result...








All I gave RA was the photo, he did the rest. Its soo damn fantastic, I can`t even put it into words.

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Well since everyone is painting their :jet pack I thought what the heck id repaint mine right before halloween, b/c it's not fun unless you have a very important dead line.

Not to happy with the blue, and I went a little crazy with the dirty look. But fear not! Next year I know ill sand it down and repaint it again.

Im getting rid of that beacon in a few weeks if someones interested

Before, during and after shots




  • pack.bmp
    63 KB · Views: 3,342
How about an in progress picture. My first jet pack :) It has a long way to go.

myjet pack.jpg

PS while accessing this thread I keep getting a logon box pop up box, it looks like a logon for a linksys router. Anyone know, is that normal? The IP is
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it looks good, but it'd be better if you make a new thread.

still, the jet pack looks good!

and yes, it keeps on happening to me too
i still think you should make a new thread on your scratch-built jet pack

oh, and btw, the rocket base is smaller in diameter than the main tank
Bluewolf said:
PS while accessing this thread I keep getting a logon box pop up box, it looks like a logon for a linksys router. Anyone know, is that normal? The IP is

If I were to guess (not knowing the truth) I would say that there was a link to some media here that is showing up as a possible remote login for a Linksys device of some sort. And when the browser attempts to load the media that is sitting behind that IP, it is sent an authentication request.

As for my pack, here is what I have so far, Its scratchbuilt!
I am still working on my 3 jet packs. As you will be able to see i was experimenting with several techniques and materials. some worked way better than others. since these are my first tries screen accuracy was not high on priority. Just seeing if I could get something even remotely shaped like a jet pack was though. I thing they are coming along well. The ESB ( middle) was my first attempt.It is heavy. I wanted durability and filled it with foam. I am re working it to get a better missle. The far left is just a lite flat pack for my 4 year old's costume. It has to be lite ( so far so good). The last ( 3rd try) My Jango , It the best of the three ( and most screen accurate) It really wouldn't take much to get it to screen accuracy ( but not something I am too concerned with right now. I will probably end up selling or trading it with my Jango costume. I gotta get rid of one. These are my progreess pics

here's an updated pic
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hehe,i was wonderin in those vids on youtube if it was a jet pack or a modified back pack or something,looks like its a scratch built jet..pretty good for a first time
I'm buillding mine out of posterboard and hot glue.
any ideas on how to make it more stiff? its really flexible right now.
i haven't covered the entire thing up because i know someone in the industrial design department at the Rochester Institute of Technology and he says that i should just apply some fiberglass resin to the underside of the paper (inside the jet pack) to eliminate the need for sanding on the outside. i'm not sure what to do.
has anyone had this "flexibility" problem as i have?
Still working on my Jango Jet Pack, If there was a procrastinating Bounty Hunter, that would be me. Still testing a few spinners for the top. I'm forcing myself to work on this more.

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