Newbie, Just purchased a DP96


New Hunter
Hey all, I'm a n00b to costuming and all this fun stuff, I'd just like to make the announcement that I have purchased a DP96 Fett Helmet (unpainted) that has been primed and flaired.

I'm going to paint it with the help of my cousin, Adam Grimm

If anyone has any tips or anything, let me know. I'm probably going to use oil pants. I'll keep you all updated if you can help me out, I'm not quite sure where to head with this. Thanks!

Welcome FSS!
So. . . your helmet will have ducks on it?

Kidding. ;)

As for tips, look for the thread about Rogue Studios color list. It's one of the 'stuck' threads at the top of the Helmet forum. You can't get any closer to the actual colors than that. And take your time with the paint job.
welcome here @ TDH, I suggest nosing through the helmet section, I'm damn well sure you find everything you want to know about painting the bucket and more right there.
I agree with the previous statements. Do your research, use the color list, and most important-take your time. You will not get it done in a day, or probably even a week.
hahaha, no, it won't have ducks on it, but he's really good at what he does and is going to help me in every stage of painting the mask; he said i get to paint it in his studio <3 =)

anyhow, i'm planning on taking my time through this, and thanks for all the comments and support. I'll keep you updated!

Does anyone have any extra decals/stickers for the ears? or should i just go ahead and paint those on =\

also, could someone throw up a good link for reference pics for the helmet, as in the actual one used in the film? i've looked around but haven't really found any focusing on JUST the helmet...the site helped a lot though
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thanks much...another thing: i'm going to try to model the insides of my helmet after the Riddell insides...has anyone tried this before? maybe someone has some ideas/suggestions?
yah!! unfortunately i got my helmet and i realized that if i were to do that i wouldn't be able to slip it on; my head is too damn big,haha. oh well, still gonna paint the hell out of it!

here's a pic of me with it on (i had to hold the earpiece on because it came detached so i could paint it better)

firestarsolo said:
here's a pic of me with it on (i had to hold the earpiece on because it came detached so i could paint it better)

You know, you bear a striking resemblance to a lot of people on this board!
Uncanny. . .
Indeed you saw it on eBay...I think I'm going to go for the ESB look, I like the darker green/blackish under the mandibles...I'm mostly going to model it after Steve the Swede's paintjob found here (the first helmet featured):

And given the talent of my cousin Adam, I'd say it's going to be pretty similar.

Unfortunately, college is starting back up and I may have to put this on the backburner for a while, or at least go through the painting very slooooowly
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