New ROTJ bucket - WIP


Well-Known Hunter
Here's my progress so far on my MS3 #16. I was almost done and learned that tape hates me! It's my first attempt at painting a prop, so I know it's not screen accurate, but I'm pretty happy. Great helmet to work with MS!





Obviously, I'm hoping to get a "Snifftacular", or a Seeker face, but I'm not sure I've earned it yet. :lol:

Looks great! Especially for your first prop paintjob! The MS3 is a beautiful bucket to work on.... Glad to see another ROTJ....
Sweet job!!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

That is a great bucket to be proud of especially for your first paint job.

ROTJ all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Absolutely awesome paint job right there ... that looks amazin'!:cheers Great to see that multiple people nowadays are paintin' ROTJ buckets! Git R Done!
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