new member seeking help


Hey everyone, I'm new to the Dented Helmet. A friend of mine recommended I join up here and stay up to date on all things Bounty Hunter. He also recommended a website as a place to get parts. I was wondering if anyone on here has had any dealings with this company and what could you tell me about your experience. I'd love to have a Boba Fett suit of my own. But, I work a ton of hours and don't have any time to put towards making a suit. I see they offer pre-made suits. Tell me, are they any good or are they worth the money? If not, could someone please help me find someone who is willing to make a suit for me or at least parts of a suit for me so i can piece it together? Thank you in advance and I'm open to any suggestions.
Good to know! What's wrong with them? Besides being overpriced. And do you know of anyone that has parts already made or could make for a reasonable price? Thank you.
I want to call SFP out for what he is, but I'm afraid I may get banned for it, since I've been warned by The Dent himself not to.... gah it's so hard!
Isn't that starfortress racket based out of Asia or something? They're web site certainly looked awesome, but after hearing a few stories about the place and orders never showing up, I went to Bobamaker as he makes the very best quality products available. There are a handful of other folks out there too which have good parts and all, but I can vouch for Bobamakers quality as I have several pieces made by him.

As far as finding someone to make you a complete Boba costume, that I'm not certain of. I'm creating a custom Mandalorian so I've never really looked into complete Boba costumes being sold. I'm sure someone offers them somewhere though...I would recommend that you make your own, it's a blast. I haven't felt this creative in years, and enjoy the making of the piece rather than the finished product-I guess I'm odd that way...:p By the way, it was nice meeting you and I hope we can chat again in the near future.

Happy Holidays!
I really appreciate the responses. Your experiences have helped me greatly. You guys are right, it will be tough to find someone or some place that makes entire suits. If I had more time, I'd love to make my own. If anyone has any websites they can link me to that have parts that I could look at, I would really appreciate it. Also, if anyone has any parts that they would like to get rid of or sell, please let me know. I'm looking to do a RoTJ suit first and an ESB suit second. But it could go either way. It all comes down to time. I don't get but one day off a week and work six 12 hour night shifts. So like I said, any already completed or nearly completed parts are highly sought after. Thanks for all the help and look forward to chipping in what little I know to help the greater good. Take care.
Keep your eye on the Cargo Hold for completed parts. There are many parts makers on this board, reading up on progress threads and searches should give you a load of info. Take your time and do the research and you should be able to put a nice costume together. Just concentrate on one piece at a time so you won't get overwhelmed
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