New Forum: "Dented Variants"

Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
In our ongoing effort to satisfy our members needs, the administration has created a new forum, "Dented Variants" to host discussion of Jodo Kast, Fenn Shysha, Tobi Dala, Jaster Mereel. Montross, Femme-Fetts, and other Mandolorian-based costume variants.


Who are the MODs here? I think Tylerdurden and/or Mirax should be a MOD here. I like them. I like the other MODs too except I really haven't gotten a chance to talk to them
InfraFett said:
Who are the MODs here? I think Tylerdurden and/or Mirax should be a MOD here. I like them. I like the other MODs too except I really haven't gotten a chance to talk to them

Thank you, I appreciate that. However, I think we will have the right people for the job in here.
Very nice!!

Went to post pics of my custom Mandalorian from 3 years ago and the photo hosting site only had red "X" of it?!?! What's up with that???

Man...all my other pics are there...

Should suit up with my new armor...(of last year) 8) It's sweeet! Projects, projects and life...

take care all,

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