New deluxe ROTJ helmet from Man of War Studios


Glad you like it guys, Thanks :)

The padding is actually made entirely of very thin, reinforced gel-coated fiberglass..

It's just a doesn't get in the way of your bucket when your wearing it just looks cool !

Man of War Studios
Nice. Looks like the inside of the riddell mini helmet. I already have a bucket, but do you sell just those lining pieces?
There is the type of foam that they use for car door ams and other similar products that I've seen. I 'll try and find out if they make it for public use. A company that I used to work with when doing Theme Park design exhibits utilized a "spray in" foam that had and exterior skin and foam back. That would be cool! I'd love to have a few sets for my helmets! It would be like the old Riddel football helmets from the 80s.

I'll see what I can find out. :)
Hey Guys....

I've looked into all those great suggestions...really !

Skin forming polyesters...expandable foams...even sent designs to a manufacturer to make Neoprene versions with a nice smooth skin on the tops of them...That's what I really wanted !

A $2800.00 fee just to make the aluminum molds and then a minimum order of 24 sheets of the little devils at $250.00 a sheet !

I even thought of casting them out of polyester or Silicon rubber just to make a cheaper version...

The fiberglass ones do the trick and I don't plan on taking on any Wookies or Sarlacs with these buckets so I settled for the gel-coated fiberglass puppies :)

But you never know....

Man of War Studios
great idea, what I would suggest is simply going to ebay and typing in "football helmet" and getting a cheap used one. Gut the helmet and apply to your fett helmet.
Maul is genious! Group hug. See you at Academy Sports and Outdoors! I bet there are a variety of little foam pads at sporting goods stores.

Got Maul wrote:

great idea, what I would suggest is simply going to ebay and typing in "football helmet" and getting a cheap used one. Gut the helmet and apply to your fett helmet.
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