My Sintra Built Custom Gauntlets

Here are the gauntlets for my custom Mando I'm working on. Enjoy!
Wrist Rockets

Machine Gun Gauntlet
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Great job! Those are very cool and very inspiring. For mine, I made the "clam shell" halves out of sintra and was pondering what to add on. You've definately given me ideas and inspiration. What did you use to attach the add ons?
Some progress photos...


Yes. Lots of bondo. I glue the pieces of sintra together and then bondo them up with my trusty popsickle sticks. I then use a dremel sanding drum to sand down the crevases. I smooth them down a little more with hand sanding. The brass pipe is two different sizes inside of one another and my friend drilled out the outside one with a drill press for the heat shield. The "keyboard" on the missile gauntlet is the innards of an old cell phone (circa 1996). I used 1/4" sintra for these gauntlets. It bends best in the oven at 300 degrees fahrenheit for about 1.5 minutes. The ammo clip for the machine gun gauntlet is from a toy machine gun I picked up at the dollar store. Any other questions?
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i am goin for hacker gauntlet. Sugestions other then the R2 universal plug in? i need ideas for tyhe screen and any other little gagets (sp)
Good design. Interesting ideas. Nice Work.


i am goin for hacker gauntlet. Sugestions other then the R2 universal plug in? i need ideas for tyhe screen and any other little gagets (sp)
Build it Semi-functionnal by adding a real built-in USB key / SD card reader. It's one of my concepts, and can be useful when going to conventions! You can also fit a holographic projector in your gauntlet. And a spy darts launcher, wich fires funny stuff like microphones, cams, motion tracker.... could be interesting.
Yes! Those are great. I love seeing someone do something different in regards to the gauntlets. Your custom will look even better because of it. Good job, love the gun gauntlet especially.


i am goin for hacker gauntlet. Sugestions other then the R2 universal plug in? i need ideas for tyhe screen and any other little gagets (sp)

As for a plug in, consider a car stereo wiring harness or any other automotive connector under the hood or under the dash. You can pick up new ones at an auto parts store or junkyard.

For a display, I did a Google Image search a calculator w/a flip up display and found a bunch of them. Try a small one obviously. Here's a couple of pics to give you an idea of what I'm talking about.

Good luck and plz post pics! :)


school has halted most of my armor makeing, but i like the ideas!

i'm probably gona go with 3 screens, 3 launchers (via video or sound bugs) and instead of hoses comeing off the gaunt it will be wires!!

thanks for the ideas, will post probably in the spring but am trying to work when i have time... dam college
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