I have seen this before, I belive its based off of the minature Riddel helmets? Anyway, ALONG time ago, I saw someone on the board had made molds, and was casting the interior pieces out of rubber, and was offerng to sell them. I honestly would like to get those pieces for my helm. The pictures I saw, he painted them based of of what Jango's interior might look like. Man, great addition to an amazing helm.

You are correct, they are from a run that Marrow Sun made along time ago. I still need to paint them. I tried pens and felt tips and neither of them worked. If someone knows how to paint them and still maintain their comfort, I'd love to hear what you used. I used the insides of two different hockey helmets to finish it out. I am going to try some boards of some kind to put on the front cheeks.

Next I need a super paint job. I may try it or give someone on the board a ring on it.

Thanks for your input.
Is it soft rubber? Because Im trying to get a comfortbility idea of it. REALISTICALLY, wearing a helmet for battle with little things poking the back of my neck like the leeches in a canadian bogg, dont seem that comfortable...but it looks cool anyways.
I dont know the sureface texture, but is it just too smooth to apply paint? I mean, I never really knew how you can paint rubber, perhaps some kind of spray paint might work, but it'd be a pain in the a$$ to get the little details.

(who thought it was pain to tape off the curves of the cheeks...heavn forbid I try to do a whole suit, then ya'll would be hearing me alot more)
Hmm..I wonder if he will ever be making more of those molds. Im always into having the littlis of details added to make it as "real" as possible, so it would keep the SW affect inside and out. Im one of those people where if I ever go to like a comic shop, or marvel island at universal, where they have like full scale replicas of say for instance, like Cyclops's visor, I wont just look at the outside, I'll try and peer to look at the inside, to see if it keeps with the illusion of what its representing. Thats just me though.

It wasn't a long time ago... it was earlier this year. PM Marrow Sun and see if he has any intentions of making more.
I'm doing the same thing... sort of. I too have the MS interior kit. I painted it using the small tubes of paint that you can get at like Michael's! I also used Testors Model paint. Seems to hold up rather well too.

As for the rest of the helmet, I didn't want the fiberglass to rub up against my skin so I went to Wal-Mart and found some felt that has an Alagator leather pattern stamped on it. It looks pretty cool and ran about $.42 per swatch... I'll just hot glue that all in when my helmet's completely painted and assembled.

You are correct, they are from a run that Marrow Sun made along time ago. I still need to paint them. I tried pens and felt tips and neither of them worked. If someone knows how to paint them and still maintain their comfort, I'd love to hear what you used. I used the insides of two different hockey helmets to finish it out. I am going to try some boards of some kind to put on the front cheeks.

Next I need a super paint job. I may try it or give someone on the board a ring on it.

Thanks for your input.
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