Active Hunter
I have purchased thousands of dollars in pieces from several different vendors on TDH. They all have their strengths and weaknesses, but since I've been on here it looks like only MF gets attacked the way he does. And I personally hate when I see people get picked on. This is the only place in my life I see someone get nagged constantly. He does deserve some criticism, but there is a difference between criticism and people constantly responding to him in a critical spirit. It's clear there are people with other motives that post immediately as soon as they see that they have a chance to criticize him.
Have you ever thought he might get attacked the way he does because he outright lies about the origin of his offerings every time until he is backed so far into the corner that he has to tell the truth? I have not had any personal dealings with MF but have seen it ever since he arrived as a vendor. As a seller, you can only be criticized for the expectations you set forth, so in essence he is setting himself up for failure.
Certain individuals are waiting for him to make a mistake so that they can report him, bash him and/or harass him and I don't buy that it is for the sole purpose of protecting the community, especially when they are bumping other vendor's threads on behalf of the other vendors lol.
If this isn't the kettle calling the pot, then I don't know what is. You are undoubtedly the most Pro-MF member of this board.
And at the same time, certain other vendors have threatened to sell off their assets in order to put MinuteFett out of business if he competed with them and caused them to lose money. That same individual pushed the OP to post this thread from the FB post.
What I don't really see is people with no motives bashing MinuteFett. It is super refreshing when someone posts something fair.
Since this is targeted specifically at me, I'll bite. I won't even address you twisting my words into what fits your narrative. I recommended that John make a post on a TDH for two simple reasons:
1. It is easier to read through the situation without having to deal with 10+ separate comment chains on a Facebook post.
2. It becomes easier for those researching what to buy to find any potential problems with a seller before they arise. This became really evident whenever Mike Rosa scammed a bunch of people. Having a forum post is more visible and easy to follow - simple as that.
You might be surprised by this, but I actually find that MF handled this conversation (or at least the parts he wanted us to see) very well. I have never had a conversation where the customer was that upset, but he kept his composure and from what we see it looks like he was trying to make John happy. Until John is able to prove otherwise I do think that is worth taking at face value.
With that being said, the only thing that matters is what items were promised and what items were received. The price is irrelevant. If you are supposed to be a reputable vendor and you agree to sell someone a full costume for $3.50, then the costume that person receives should be what you promised -- No more, no less. That should be the sole focus here. If I were researching buying a costume I would want to know all of this information. Would I be worried about quality given what I've seen? Yes. Would I feel better knowing that Luis appears to have tried to make things right? Also yes.