MS 3 Earcaps


Active Hunter
OK I've finished molding all the earcaps and figured out a good cold cast recipe. For those of you waiting on your helmets it will not be long. I'm posting pictures for what you can expect to recieve. The earcaps will come with some flashing, this is the resin that is squeezed out of the mold cavity. I had to do a 2 part earcap mold in order to pull off what I had envisioned for the caps. They will be very easy to clean up, no sanding the backsides, just trim the flashing with a x-acto knife and a quick sand on the seamline. The pieces all plug together nicely. You just need to add a bit of glue. I've cold casted aluminum and the nickel-silver, I would recommend the NICKEL-SILVER for ESB because of the yellowish earcap paint, and the ALUMINUM for ROTJ because the caps have that finish anyways. I quickly polished up half a side on each type for you to examine. I forgot to plug the borden connector in but I'm sure you'll get the picture.











OH NO YOU DIDN'T ! great idea !

That's ingenius putting plugs into the ear pieces like that. you are sick man, sick sick sick !

Also, suspend me for being stupid, but what is cold casting in metal ? I mean, can you explain the process ?
Got Maul said:
That's ingenius putting plugs into the ear pieces like that.

What I find cool... On the 2-piece RF cap, you could replace the plugs with magnets. Everything is already lined up for you! :D
I had to chime in and say that this is extremely awesome!!! Beautiful additions to a mighty fine helmet. Great work as always:cheers

So just love taking ALL my money huh?:lol:

@#*^:wacko ....:eek: :eek: ....just awesome!!

*Hey did you get the Borden yet??
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I just thought about this:eek: .....NOW with the Aluminum recast....all you really have to do is AFTER PAINTING the Ear pieces just reveal the silver with the SAME sand-paper or and Exacto edge (no more painting the silver scratches on)........truely is ingenius!! :thumbsup: , and about time someone did this....
Thanks bro.:thumbsup:
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Spideyfett said:
I just thought about this:eek: .....NOW with the Aluminum recast....all you really have to do is AFTER PAINTING the Ear pieces just reveal the silver with the SAME sand-paper or and Exacto edge (no more painting the silver scratches on)........truely is ingenius!! :thumbsup: , and about time someone did this....
Thanks bro.:thumbsup:
ya thats true. i wanted to get aluminum cast copies of my chest armor so i wouldnt have to keep doing those anoying silver paintjobs that just dont comeout right, but it didnt go far. mabie i can talk to MS & see what he thinks.
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Doh, here I sit with a MS 1 (I think) and find myself drooling over this one as it comes together...ah well practice painting for me eh?
What do I use to attach normal earcaps to my helmet? The plugs look a whole lot easier and more straight forward then how ever you're supposed to attach them now
ProjectXVR32 said:
What do I use to attach normal earcaps to my helmet? The plugs look a whole lot easier and more straight forward then how ever you're supposed to attach them now

You can either use glue (your favorite) or some people use nuts and bolts.
Ripcode said:
On the ROTJ helmet... are the keyholes metal too? :confused

Kind of looks like it in the MOM pics.
oops sorry Rip....
they look like they're metal....but I think it's painted that way......
Heck I don't really know???
Now I'm curious too...someone??:confused
Spideyfett said:
oops sorry Rip....
they look like they're metal....but I think it's painted that way......
Heck I don't really know???
Now I'm curious too...someone??:confused

"IF" they are metal.... then maybe MS could cast those up in the "metal" too. (His scratchbuilt seperate keyholes I mean)
Got Maul said:
Also, suspend me for being stupid, but what is cold casting in metal ? I mean, can you explain the process ?

Ok your suspended! Cold Casting metal is the process of mixing fine metal powders with an appropriate resin. The pieces generally contain about 1/2 real metal and feel heavy and cold to the touch. Its called cold casting because there is no heat needed to create the reproductions unlike the foundry wax melt off process.

About the armor, I am working on a set still. When its done I'll be able to do a surface coat of the cold cast metal then back it with fiberglass. So you will be able to achieve that metal look/feel if desired.

I doubt the keyholes were metal, but if guys want a CCM copy of my keyhole piece that is completely possible.

ALSO! I wanted to point out that, YES, it would have been way easier just to cast the earcaps right on the helmet, BUT, that is not accurate. The real helmet had seperate earcaps. The system I've come up with is not accurate to the way the movie helmet was designed but it just makes things easier for you guys and a lot more professional in appearance.
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