Active Hunter
OK I've finished molding all the earcaps and figured out a good cold cast recipe. For those of you waiting on your helmets it will not be long. I'm posting pictures for what you can expect to recieve. The earcaps will come with some flashing, this is the resin that is squeezed out of the mold cavity. I had to do a 2 part earcap mold in order to pull off what I had envisioned for the caps. They will be very easy to clean up, no sanding the backsides, just trim the flashing with a x-acto knife and a quick sand on the seamline. The pieces all plug together nicely. You just need to add a bit of glue. I've cold casted aluminum and the nickel-silver, I would recommend the NICKEL-SILVER for ESB because of the yellowish earcap paint, and the ALUMINUM for ROTJ because the caps have that finish anyways. I quickly polished up half a side on each type for you to examine. I forgot to plug the borden connector in but I'm sure you'll get the picture.