Well-Known Hunter
I've taken some time to myself the last few days to just have some fun with a helmet. There's still plenty of modifications left to make but I thought I'd start sharing a few pictures of the more completed bucket. I'm going for something a bit more "heavy duty" looking, more of an assult helmet. Quite a bit more finishing has been done since these pictures where taken. I'll probably wait until I start painting before I update again.

The RF, when I figure out what design I'm going with will be on the left side instead. In place of the regular RF, a sensor array of some sort will be added. As for the back,.. well I'm yet to design anything yet. I may leave it as.

I see guys saying they would never waste there money on a fiberglass helmet for a custom but I can assure you you would have a very hard time making any modifications on a rubies or dp, simply because of the material there made from. Its hard to get a good bond with that vinyl material they use.

Anyways enjoy and keep a look out for updates. Feel free to comment and offer creative suggestions.!




I've taken some time to myself the last few days to just have some fun with a helmet. There's still plenty of modifications left to make but I thought I'd start sharing a few pictures of the more completed bucket. I'm going for something a bit more "heavy duty" looking, more of an assult helmet. Quite a bit more finishing has been done since these pictures where taken. I'll probably wait until I start painting before I update again.

The RF, when I figure out what design I'm going with will be on the left side instead. In place of the regular RF, a sensor array of some sort will be added. As for the back,.. well I'm yet to design anything yet. I may leave it as.

I see guys saying they would never waste there money on a fiberglass helmet for a custom but I can assure you you would have a very hard time making any modifications on a rubies or dp, simply because of the material there made from. Its hard to get a good bond with that vinyl material they use.

Anyways enjoy and keep a look out for updates. Feel free to comment and offer creative suggestions.!

MS I like it alot , very interesting , great possiblities,
What about a set of binocs on it ...Hmmmmm...
I love it !!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :eek:
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pghfett said:
MS I like it alot , very interesting , great possiblities,
What about a set of binocs on it ...Hmmmmm...
I love it !!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :eek:

I am planning on making somesort of flip down secondary visor or maybe something like the EpIII clone commander binoculars.

Also I have no intention of making copies. I'm going to keep this a limited edition #1 of 1:)
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I am planning on making somesort of flip down secondary visor or maybe something like the EpIII clone commander binoculars.

Also I have no intention of making copies. I'm going to keep this a limited edition #1 of 1:)

That is as limited as it gets LOL:lol:
I'm sure it will be a great piece of artwork nonetheless....:thumbsup:
Thats a nice looking Fan intake you've got on the right hand side there. lol should keep you nice and cool. Also, If it were me, I'd stick a speaker on the outside where that conical looking thing is on the cheek, and make it like a hollow cap with holes for the sound to get out.

That's looking really cool. If you do decide to change your mind, I think you can probably sign me up too :-D

I like it. :) Looks great for a work in progress.

Just a couple comments. The tab in the middle of the visor ..
First thing i thought of when i seen it was going crosseyed from staring at it all day. :lol:

The vent on the right side i think would look better with thinner grill bars and Vader type screening behind it.
Just my .02 cents..

I does have the appearance of a heavier armored helmet. Kinda like a prototype RC helmet.. Perfect for an assault type Mandalorian. :)

Looking forward to seeing the finished helmet.
Jun Garros Fett said:
I like it. :) Looks great for a work in progress.

Just a couple comments. The tab in the middle of the visor ..
First thing i thought of when i seen it was going crosseyed from staring at it all day. :lol:

The vent on the right side i think would look better with thinner grill bars and Vader type screening behind it.
Just my .02 cents..

Thanks for the imput JGF, I have already cut off the square on the brow I decided against it yesterday. As for the side intake, its too late for me to change since I've already glassed it in place. It does have 2 opposing layers of screening behind it though.
Looks great, Sometimes it's nice to just have someting for yourself! But as others have said, if you do change your mind i'm sure tou will get alot of interest.... Mine included..... Am still very interested in the Fett Pre Pro bucket if that becomes available....

Great work MS.... Keep it up


pm sent
Ok call me a liar! I've decided to give another update. These pictures were taken today, the others were from 3 days ago. Not much has changed, just a few key details have been added. I accually think I will be done tomorrow with only a few electronics and the visor to get installed before painting.





Customs aren't my bag. But it doesn't have to be "Your Bag" to
appreciate what an AWESOME piece of work that is !!

Damn Jordy ....that ROCKS !!!

I want one?

WOW! I am gone one weekend and look what I miss! I was really anxious to see the finished looks great! I love the visor!
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