laser cutting/ photo etching


I'm looking for an individual or company that offers photo etching or laser cutting for brass/aluminium sheet. Preferably in the UK but abroad could work. I've used local suppliers before but they aren't too interested in small orders. Anyone used a company or even offer this themselves? it's not a huge or complex piece, just A4 or smaller repeats of 2 parts.
Finding someone willing to "cut" metal is going to be hard, you're going to need one powerful laser. I don't even know if I can have it etched with the laser out here. Your best bet would be to look for water jet cutting, no reflection into a lens there.
If you need metal etched, laser is about the only way you can go. A straight cut will definately require a water jet, but a super powerful laser can hit through metal if you want. Remember that metal is reflective and the ore will need to be covered in tape before cut though.
I'm looking for an individual or company that offers photo etching or laser cutting for brass/aluminium sheet. Preferably in the UK but abroad could work. I've used local suppliers before but they aren't too interested in small orders. Anyone used a company or even offer this themselves? it's not a huge or complex piece, just A4 or smaller repeats of 2 parts.

You can check out my dads company.. I live out of state from him and don't really know a whole lot about what they will/won't do. Worth a shot I guess :facepalm
This thread is more than 17 years old.

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