Pre-ordered my Glowforge Laser Cutter!


New Hunter
Glowforge – the 3D Laser Printer | The Affordable Desktop Laser Cutter Engraver

Guys...I'm SO stoked to have ordered this. I posted over on the RPF, but in the off chance you guys don't frequent over there ( I know, yeah right...right? LOL ) I wanted to extend my referral code that will knock an additional $100 off your purchase!
It ends up being essentially free shipping in the USA ( USA shipping is $99 )...but still, more savings over the already awesome 50% off their amazing product!

I can't wait to make so many awesome props etc with this thing.

Half off pre-sale is only for another 26 days, so if you're interested, don't miss out!

Here's my referral code, feel free to give it to any friends/family!
Glowforge – the 3D Laser Printer | The Affordable Desktop Laser Cutter Engraver
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