It's another fibreglass orientated question everyone! Just quick ones this time:
1. I've started latexing up my clay helmet, only now realising that I've forgotten to put in the forehead triangles. My latex mould is quite advanced, so I don't want to restart. Is fibreglass easy to cut shapes into it like that one? Or should I lose all the mould work I have done this far (bearing in mind I have a deadline to meet)
2. Reading Thurston James' book lists the health aspects of fibreglass. Well, I've been using it today outside in the garden, and I wondered if theres any accumlatory health risks involved, i.e. symptoms that aren't noticeable, then build up over time.
Thanks again
1. I've started latexing up my clay helmet, only now realising that I've forgotten to put in the forehead triangles. My latex mould is quite advanced, so I don't want to restart. Is fibreglass easy to cut shapes into it like that one? Or should I lose all the mould work I have done this far (bearing in mind I have a deadline to meet)
2. Reading Thurston James' book lists the health aspects of fibreglass. Well, I've been using it today outside in the garden, and I wondered if theres any accumlatory health risks involved, i.e. symptoms that aren't noticeable, then build up over time.
Thanks again