Fibreglass cutting and long term health issues


New Hunter
It's another fibreglass orientated question everyone! Just quick ones this time:

1. I've started latexing up my clay helmet, only now realising that I've forgotten to put in the forehead triangles. My latex mould is quite advanced, so I don't want to restart. Is fibreglass easy to cut shapes into it like that one? Or should I lose all the mould work I have done this far (bearing in mind I have a deadline to meet)

2. Reading Thurston James' book lists the health aspects of fibreglass. Well, I've been using it today outside in the garden, and I wondered if theres any accumlatory health risks involved, i.e. symptoms that aren't noticeable, then build up over time.

Thanks again :)
IonosFear said:
2. Reading Thurston James' book lists the health aspects of fibreglass. Well, I've been using it today outside in the garden, and I wondered if theres any accumlatory health risks involved, i.e. symptoms that aren't noticeable, then build up over time.

Thanks again :)

I dont think there are any symptoms other than that its very toxic and long and sustained exposure can cause brain and other damages that are irrepairable.
Fett prop artist said:
I dont think there are any symptoms other than that its very toxic and long and sustained exposure can cause brain and other damages that are irrepairable.
:lol: :lol: Wear a mask or work in a well ventilated area. As far as cutting the triangles, that's easy. Pencil in the location and go slow with a Dremel tool.
Chill8) . I knew that my work would be useful:D . I'm working on a enviromental lab which is also specialized in health issues concerning toxic substances.
First don't worry about sawing fiberglass. Just use a protective mask, and when you haven't got a mask nearby. Just use a wet hanky!:thumbsup: Because a wet hanky is sometimes as good as a mask.
And when you want to work realy careful, spray some water on the fiberglass or plexiglass.
The fine particels will stick on the water.
Chill 8)
The thing to remember with Fibreglass is that whilst the particles can get stuck in your lungs and cause you long term problems over prolonged exposure, its the resin that can be just as dangerous.

A simple dust mask will not do, you really should use an organic vapour mask. Ensure you work in a well ventilated area as well, whilst your garden is in the open air, that doesn't mean you shouldn't use a mask.

I have suffered from some of the "lesser" symptoms that come with inhaling dust/vapour/particles. And believe me its not nice, your throat will swell and dry up, it will become difficult to breathe and swallow, you will feel constantly dehydrated, suffer from severe headaches/migranes nausea, fatigue and drowsiness.

So in a nutshell....

WEAR A DECENT MASK!!! Its not worth causing yourself long term damage, resins can lead to cancer.
WEAR A DECENT MASK!!! Its not worth causing yourself long term damage, resins can lead to cancer.

Don't forget to protect your eyes. And wear a long sleeve t-shirt & pants when cutting fiberglass! I know it is summer & it is uncomfortable sweating like a pig, but would you rather be itching your body & feeling all the tiny pieces of fiberglass particles all over a guy from experience....not a pleasant feeling
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