Kenneth Cole Size 10

I squeeze my 14 into my bed stu 12s!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont think the KCs ever came in anything larger than a US size 13. I have a friend that is doing some research into it being a KC dealer and searching high and low to see if any KC dealers have anything in their backrooms or clearance racks.
no. before post #23 this thread hadn't been touched since 2006. it would have been better if tb7024 had posted a new thread to showcase his wares.
no. before post #23 this thread hadn't been touched since 2006. it would have been better if tb7024 had posted a new thread to showcase his wares.

I had responded to this thread also to add to the discussion. I made a point that there was a size 16 created, as they were talking about what was the largest size KC Created.
This thread is more than 13 years old.

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