My daughter (17) wanted a Mandalorian BF costume that I was starting to scratch build a year ago, but haven’t finished it. She wanted “Boba Fresh”, but now since BOBF is out, she wants me to pivot to that.
I’m trying not to spend too much money and I plan on a lot of DIY. It doesn’t have to be super-accurate, but close enough.
I’ve scratch built a helmet and was just about done painting with BFresh when it took a terrible tumble on the garage floor. I had to fix it and have now primered it again to paint it to BOBF colors.
Anyone have a spray can list for BOBF? Otherwise I’ll probably just go with BFresh colors plus the weathering.
I’ve drawn up a pattern for the black vest and made a prototype out of Muslin. It’ll be good enough for now.
What fabric is that vest made out of? To me it looks like a black denim. That seems like it’d be pretty hot though. Any ideas?
I’ve bought her armor, but I still need to paint it. I bought 3D printed knee armor and 3D printed ROTJ gauntlets that’ll need to be modded to BOBF. (Thanks Favreau).
I have already received the Nortiv 8 boots.
Any ideas where to get the pants or the shirt?
I hope to put some pics up of my progress and I’m also hoping this WIP will get me out working in my cold garage this winter to get this done.
Thanks for any answers and any help!
My daughter (17) wanted a Mandalorian BF costume that I was starting to scratch build a year ago, but haven’t finished it. She wanted “Boba Fresh”, but now since BOBF is out, she wants me to pivot to that.
I’m trying not to spend too much money and I plan on a lot of DIY. It doesn’t have to be super-accurate, but close enough.
I’ve scratch built a helmet and was just about done painting with BFresh when it took a terrible tumble on the garage floor. I had to fix it and have now primered it again to paint it to BOBF colors.
Anyone have a spray can list for BOBF? Otherwise I’ll probably just go with BFresh colors plus the weathering.
I’ve drawn up a pattern for the black vest and made a prototype out of Muslin. It’ll be good enough for now.
What fabric is that vest made out of? To me it looks like a black denim. That seems like it’d be pretty hot though. Any ideas?
I’ve bought her armor, but I still need to paint it. I bought 3D printed knee armor and 3D printed ROTJ gauntlets that’ll need to be modded to BOBF. (Thanks Favreau).
I have already received the Nortiv 8 boots.
Any ideas where to get the pants or the shirt?
I hope to put some pics up of my progress and I’m also hoping this WIP will get me out working in my cold garage this winter to get this done.
Thanks for any answers and any help!