JSmails BOBF Boba WIP


Active Hunter

My daughter (17) wanted a Mandalorian BF costume that I was starting to scratch build a year ago, but haven’t finished it. She wanted “Boba Fresh”, but now since BOBF is out, she wants me to pivot to that.

I’m trying not to spend too much money and I plan on a lot of DIY. It doesn’t have to be super-accurate, but close enough.

I’ve scratch built a helmet and was just about done painting with BFresh when it took a terrible tumble on the garage floor. I had to fix it and have now primered it again to paint it to BOBF colors.

Anyone have a spray can list for BOBF? Otherwise I’ll probably just go with BFresh colors plus the weathering.

I’ve drawn up a pattern for the black vest and made a prototype out of Muslin. It’ll be good enough for now.

What fabric is that vest made out of? To me it looks like a black denim. That seems like it’d be pretty hot though. Any ideas?

I’ve bought her armor, but I still need to paint it. I bought 3D printed knee armor and 3D printed ROTJ gauntlets that’ll need to be modded to BOBF. (Thanks Favreau).

I have already received the Nortiv 8 boots.

Any ideas where to get the pants or the shirt?

I hope to put some pics up of my progress and I’m also hoping this WIP will get me out working in my cold garage this winter to get this done.

Thanks for any answers and any help!
Okay a little progress. This is taking forever.

First, I had the “Boba Fresh” helmet completely painted then she wanted to go BOBF. Plus, it fell on the garage floor so I had to repair the damage anyway. So here it is in silver.

I have put some toothpaste on the helmet where the bigger silver spots show through. I’ll do the more precise stuff, lines etc. as topical.

I have returned the Nortiv 8 boots and replaced them with the correct MOAB FST Ice+.

I am absolutely struggling to color match the dome, cheeks, and armor. They are the same, but none of them match other costumes. I have found the perfect color for the left ear. Rustoleum Italian Olive. That color WAS the dome, cheeks, and armor for the ROTJ boba I made a few years ago. It looks perfect for the left ear, but is a different color than the dome on BOBF helmet. I’m stumped.

If someone finds a good thread somewhere, anywhere, of the rattle can colors used for BOBF I’d appreciate it. I’m heading to a different Walmart tomorrow. And maybe a Michaels.

More to come.
Progressing VERY slowly and doing a horrible job. It turns out, for BOBF, I couldn’t just use the previous Kill Stripes templates. BOBF has a different size and spacing. So I had to freehand and eyeball it starting with 8, on the top back 1/4 of the ear and 9, straight up from the middle of the panel behind the ear. Then I had to go forward and back. They aren’t all parallel, but it is what it is.

Next, I painted it. I did a horrible job but I’m moving along.

Lastly I sprayed the Hunter green on the back panel.

It’s going to be COLD the next few days so I don’t know how much I’ll get done. New episode tonight though.
Today’s the day. -9 degrees at 10am, what a great time to start masking for the red. To mask off the red took an hour. Yikes. Luckily that raised the temp from -9 to zero. Perfect painting weather….not.

Here is the masked off mask.

And here it is unmasked. I did 4 coats with 10 minutes between coats (in the hot box) then let it sit in the hot box for an hour before unmasking and bringing it into the house.

On to the ears tomorrow. I still have to find a good color for one of the ears. Ugh.
Ugh. This sucks. Looking at the BOBF helmet, the ear with the stalk looks like the ESB ear. Basically tan or yellow. This color from the ESB CRL:

So I used Rustoleum camo khaki like many other ESBs claim they used. Here is the color that is:

Inside, it’s not nearly that tan. Shouldn’t the ear be closer to gold?

Time for more research.
I hated the right ear color. I decided to do a gold color, and it was too gold. And metallic. So that had to go.

I then did a custom yellow color mixing the khaki with a yellow. It’s maybe too yellow, but it’s easier to black wash the yellow darker than to take another color and make it yellow. Here it is.

Lastly, we started peeling the toothpaste for the silver damage. Some more will be added as topical then the entire thing weathered a bit. Again, I should have removed the toothpaste right after the paint dried. After so many heating cycles in the hot box, the toothpaste was hard to remove and get through.

It’s getting there.
After looking over dozens, and dozens, and dozens, of reference photos, I added some topical silver for the BOBF damage look. It’s not 100%, as some of the toothpaste damage was in the wrong place, but it’s pretty close. Damage where there should be damage, no damage where there shouldn’t be for the most part. His “line” could be more accurate, but certainly close enough. With the damage pattern, this could only be BOBF.

Time for a black wash or two, or four, then the dullcoat. I will be happy to be done with this helmet for sure.

What is everyone using for the face shield now? When I put my son’s helmet together they were using number 4 welding shields but that’s WAY to dark.

Let me know. Thanks.
After all my weathering, I just couldn’t get the ear to move off of yellow. So I took some khaki paint and brushed it on. Everything else on the helmet is weathered and ready for the dullcoat. But now I have to weather the ear once it dries. Here it is now, still wet. It should come down a shade or two once it dries and gets black washed.

Always more to do.
The ear dried, so it was time for weathering and stickers. I put on the top stickers, great. Then I put on the “teeth” on the right ear. Looked at the photo, looked at the teeth. Not right. Good lord they changed a lot.

Turns out BOBF has only 8 black teeth on the right ear. So I pulled the decals off and had to improvise. I did some measuring and had to hand paint them.

This is after the weathering with the teeth mask on.

Then, as you might expect from such small pieces of tape, there was a lot of bleed.

I then painted out the bleed, waited for it to dry, then weathered again. Here it is now.

Off to the garage and 3 coats of dull coat. Here it is now. The dull coat made the two dots on the right ear run. I had only used permanent marker. I guess not so permanent under dull coat. I’ll have to paint that tan, wait for it to dry, then do the 2 dots in black paint I guess.

With the helmet coming to a close once I get the visor, it’s on to modding some gauntlets to be BOBF gauntlets.
I forgot to put in the arrows and I had to fix the runny line instead of dots. Delays, delays.

The arrows are painted but still need to dry, then weather, then a small amount of full coat. The line on the ear got covered up somewhat and the dots are now in place.

In the show you can just barely make out the blue arrow. So I need to wash that out well.
No answers to any of my questions? Talkative group…..forging ahead anyway.

Since the stalk on the rangefinder has an addition to it, I had to add that fatter part at the bottom:

And because it’s fatter, I had to file out the slot in order to accommodate the fatter base. This was ZERO fun.

Now the stalk goes in and gets stuck. She just won’t be able to put it up and down. It can be up. Or it can be down. But it won’t slide up and down nicely. On the plus side, it comes out for transport.

More work. Believe it or not, the rangefinder stalk is different in BOBF. It’s like they just wanted to change everything for no real good reason.

Anyway, here is the stalk, rounded a little differently. And the extra part on top of the rangefinder. And the countersunk lights.

Here is a top angle showing the countersunk cutout.

Since mine was the OG rangefinder, to work I went.

I traced the top onto paper, then when that was the right size, I traced it onto cardboard.

Then I traced the cut out cardboard onto cardstock and cut out the oval. Then I glued the cardstock to the cardboard to make this:

I don’t have any pics of the process of filling in the undercut on the stock, but so cut small pieces of cardboard to fit, hot glued them in place, then bondo’d over it. Then sanded semi-smooth when it was hard. It looks like this now.

Then I primed then painted silver.

I’ll let it sit for a day or two then, hopefully, mask off the silver and paint the top black. Then weather it. I still have to find some small red bulbs for the inset and I have to find the clear plastic that goes in the hollow.

Always more to do. :)
Work continues today. I painted the top of the rangefinder black.

Now I just have to find some small lights to go in there and the clear thing. Someone on Etsy wants like $30 for the clear thing. I may have to make my own unless someone has access to one that is less expensive.

I got some time to work on the flamethrower. Unlike every other version, yes, yet again, BOBF is different. Here is the BOBF. It is angled at the back.

I, of course, had bought a regular ROTJ/ESB 3D printed gauntlets. So, it was time to mod. Ugh.

I cut it off at about the angle I was seeing, but I had to leave some near the gauntlet to get the extra angle. It’s not straight up and down if you look at the references.

I glued another piece of plastic over the hollow hole. I cut a board to fit, hot glued it in place, then glued the plastic to that and the edges. The board gave it something to grip.

Here it is next to the gauntlet.

And then I filled the gaps with Apoxy Sculpt. I’ve never used it before. I’m hoping it works.

Always more to do.
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