JSmails BOBF Boba WIP


Worked all day with my daughter on stuff. Not many pics, mostly tedium.

Hand Sewed velcro onto the gloves to put hand armor on. Hand Sewed velcro onto the elastic straps on the spats. Hand sewed velcro onto the under-shoulders for the bells. Then we went out to the garage and cut out metal pieces for the back of the belt. We also fit the belt to her as best we could. That took a long time. Then we padded out the helmet so she can wear it. That also took quite a while.

We have a lot left to do, but what she has right now is totally wearable as a costume.

Here are the spats. They certainly need some weathering. I also have to sew the straps that hide the zipper on.

Here she is in what we have completed so far. LOTS more to do, but certainly close enough to walk around for a while on Monday.

Thanks for the help and encouragement. I’m watching what Krewkid82 is doing for the hoses in his thread. I’ll have to figure that out soon.

Any ideas? I have 3D printed gauntlets so I’m not sure how hoses are supposed to connect without breaking the gauntlets to pieces.

This build came out great and you are a super dad!

I'm curious as to what yellow you used for the knees and the shoulders?
Thanks so much!

I can’t remember off the top of my head. I’ll look in the garage tomorrow for sure. It’s much more orange when it goes on, but the Testors dull coat lightens it up a lot.

I’ll get that for you later tonight or tomorrow and reply here. As a matter of fact, I should probably list all the colors I’m using for future BOBF builders.

Thanks for the idea/reminder. :)
This build came out great and you are a super dad!

I'm curious as to what yellow you used for the knees and the shoulders?
As promised here are the colors.

For the knees and shoulders I used Tuscan Sun.

On the helmet I used Claret Wine for the red, Hunt Club Green for the green on the back.

I used Claret Wine for the gauntlets.

I used Satin Italian Olive for most everything else. The dome, cheeks, and armor.

The belt cylinders and tip of the gauntlet rocket was Metallic Champagne Bronze.

And whenever I put an under layer of metal, I used Bright Coat Aluminum.

For the damage on the knees and shoulders, I did that topically. I used Testors gray and Testors Metallic silver.

Lastly, everything gets hit with Testors Dullcoat to seal in all weathering and damage and make everything dull.

Worked all day with my daughter on stuff. Not many pics, mostly tedium.

Hand Sewed velcro onto the gloves to put hand armor on. Hand Sewed velcro onto the elastic straps on the spats. Hand sewed velcro onto the under-shoulders for the bells. Then we went out to the garage and cut out metal pieces for the back of the belt. We also fit the belt to her as best we could. That took a long time. Then we padded out the helmet so she can wear it. That also took quite a while.

We have a lot left to do, but what she has right now is totally wearable as a costume.

Here are the spats. They certainly need some weathering. I also have to sew the straps that hide the zipper on.

Here she is in what we have completed so far. LOTS more to do, but certainly close enough to walk around for a while on Monday.

Thanks for the help and encouragement. I’m watching what Krewkid82 is doing for the hoses in his thread. I’ll have to figure that out soon.

Any ideas? I have 3D printed gauntlets so I’m not sure how hoses are supposed to connect without breaking the gauntlets to pieces.

You look great dude! As for the gauntlets I still waiting for them to come in then I'll post some more progress:)
Here is the backplate painted and the stabilizer in place. I still have to dullcoat it. And figure out just how she’s supposed to wear it.

I have started on the jetpack. Tomorrow I hope to get it together how I want it for ease of painting. So I don’t have to mask 100 times. Lol.
Well, painting the jetpack isn’t going so well. I ran out of Krylon Italian Olive and every paint I try isn’t quite there. I’ve tried combining paints etc. It wouldn’t be so bad, but I’m just about done with the rocket.

So tomorrow I may scour the entire metro. Menards and Home Depot don’t have it. I’ll have to try Lowes, Walmart, and hobby lobby’s or Michael’s. Sounds like a lot of driving for one single can.

Delays delays. :)
I painted up the thrusters:

These 3D prints didn’t have the cross-hairs design around the red circle part of the ball. I may just paint it on later.

The worst part is I didn’t pay attention while masking the red part around the bottom. It’s about twice as wide as it should be, so I need to mask and fix that, but again, I’ll have to find that Italian Olive to do it.

Always more to do.
I painted up the jetpack over the last few days and decided to pull the tape off today to see where I’m at. LOTS of bleed throughs etc. Luckily, I have to weather it still and can cause “damage” and “wear” in most cases where there is a problem. Plus dull coat makes everything look used.

Here is a picture. Still have more painting to do, then weathering and damage, then lock it in with dull coat.

Always hard at work. Last night I finished painting and weathering the pistol. I just have to dull coat it.

Today I had to finish the jetpack painting. I needed the silver ring around the top. Plus the dull coat reacts with the silver and kills the shine. So I had to redo the parts on the rocket and thrusters that should be shiny silver. I masked everything off and painted again.

When it’s 13 degrees Fahrenheit outside, and 25 in my garage, you need to make a hot box. A heater to cure the painted parts, and keep the paint warm between coats. I put styrofoam insulation on the sides and top. Take it apart to spray, put it together to cure.

Final shiny results.

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