jet pack vacuuming forming question


Active Hunter
jetpack vacuuming forming question

hey, i have a JP that i would like to make duplicates of. i know i need to make a mold of this JP, but, what do i use, and how do i do it. i assume once i make the mold, i would just take it to my local vacuuming forming place. has anyone done this? how did it turn out? is it hard to do, and how much does it coast?

thksdad wrote:

hey, i have a JP that i would like to make duplicates of. i know i need to make a mold of this JP, but, what do i use, and how do i do it. i assume once i make the mold, i would just take it to my local vacuuming forming place. has anyone done this? how did it turn out? is it hard to do, and how much does it coast?

Well, first I have never heard of anyone having a "local vacuforming place"
Do you have one in your town or city? Most people do it in their homes using an oven and homemade vacuforming machine, as no such place exists as far as I know or have heard of.

Second, if you if have a JP that is made by someone else if it is OK to copy it, if you do for your selfmosat "may" say it is OK to do so, if your doing to sell that is a BIG NO NO and is fround apon here as it is recasting and basically stealing someelses hard work and is not appreciated around here.
If it is your own home made pack, go for it.
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I've seen local vacuform places, but it costs a lot to get even one pull of plastic. Usually they're listed under plastics in the phone book. I think I was quoted $50 per form for something 2' x 2' mostly labor charges. They claimed it was because of the labor of setting up each sheet of plastic. It didn't matter that I had the mold. So I try to do vacced stuff myself.
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thats cool though. i accually had a jp that i had made out of styrophome, and different metarials, and wanted to make some coppies of it.
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