Jet Pack Put On Jet Pack By Myself


New Hunter
Been tinkering with designs for pulling on the jet pack all alone, no handler or bystanders. It’s my last obstacle. Searched this forum with no luck. I can’t believe it hasn’t been done.

I’m thinking something like this:

1. Feed straps through back plate and vest. Put on vest.
2. Sit with pack behind, pull straps down thru vest.
3. Connect straps to inner belt, concealed by vest or ammo belt (best method for this…?)
4. [The Challenge] Take up strap slack till jet pack is snug in place, then hide excess strap…where? Maybe thru slit under girth belt?

Anyone, Bueller? Don’t want to reinvent the wheel. Thanks for reading!
In my searching for something like this, I've only seen one other attempt it. That thread is....

The guy who devised this method is: GeekdadX7 And it is actually explained pretty well in his YouTube video. I've made the joke before that we all just need a J.A.R.V.I.S. to assist with this task.....
Getting out of a suit in style.gif


It does beg the question how in thee heck Boba does it in the movies though?

For me, (if I don't have my daughter or wife with me to help) I have yet to find one person refusing to assist Boba - and I've been to a dozen or so Con's.

Your steps though....
1. Feed straps through back plate and vest. Put on vest.
For me that is easier said than done. I usually need help with both of those tasks as well.
2. Sit with pack behind, pull straps down thru vest.
Yeah, I'm not willing to sandwich my $1000+ Jetpack between me and a chair....
Mark Cuban - Reasons I'm out.gif

3. Connect straps to inner belt, concealed by vest or ammo belt (best method for this…?)
4. [The Challenge] Take up strap slack till jet pack is snug in place, then hide excess strap…where? Maybe thru slit under girth belt?

Good idea though.

In my searching for something like this, I've only seen one other attempt it. That thread is....

The guy who devised this method is: GeekdadX7 And it is actually explained pretty well in his YouTube video. I've made the joke before that we all just need a J.A.R.V.I.S. to assist with this task.....
View attachment 237675
View attachment 237676

It does beg the question how in thee heck Boba does it in the movies though?

For me, (if I don't have my daughter or wife with me to help) I have yet to find one person refusing to assist Boba - and I've been to a dozen or so Con's.

Your steps though....
1. Feed straps through back plate and vest. Put on vest.
For me that is easier said than done. I usually need help with both of those tasks as well.
2. Sit with pack behind, pull straps down thru vest.
Yeah, I'm not willing to sandwich my $1000+ Jetpack between me and a chair....
View attachment 237677

3. Connect straps to inner belt, concealed by vest or ammo belt (best method for this…?)
4. [The Challenge] Take up strap slack till jet pack is snug in place, then hide excess strap…where? Maybe thru slit under girth belt?

Good idea though.
View attachment 237678

Thanks for weighing in, I wasn’t really talking about sandwiching against a chair back but I understand what you mean. His harness nicely solves the problem of the excess strappage. Less clear how he maneuvers the straps when everything else is added. He seems to be running it from inside out while I was thinking outside in.

You are right though, in almost ten years of parades I don’t think I’ve had anyone balk at helping Boba gear up except one time, a firefighting commander sort of recoiled in terror and delegated it to a junior guy. Maybe he feared liability ;-)
Iron beat me to the link. If you didn’t find it using the search function here, it’s not your fault. It is notoriously bad. I usually have better luck doing a Google search with Dented Helmet added in the search or without if you want to widen your search. There are other sources out there with good ideas from time to time.
In my searching for something like this, I've only seen one other attempt it. That thread is....

The guy who devised this method is: GeekdadX7 And it is actually explained pretty well in his YouTube video. I've made the joke before that we all just need a J.A.R.V.I.S. to assist with this task.....
View attachment 237675
View attachment 237676

It does beg the question how in thee heck Boba does it in the movies though?

For me, (if I don't have my daughter or wife with me to help) I have yet to find one person refusing to assist Boba - and I've been to a dozen or so Con's.

Your steps though....
1. Feed straps through back plate and vest. Put on vest.
For me that is easier said than done. I usually need help with both of those tasks as well.
2. Sit with pack behind, pull straps down thru vest.
Yeah, I'm not willing to sandwich my $1000+ Jetpack between me and a chair....
View attachment 237677

3. Connect straps to inner belt, concealed by vest or ammo belt (best method for this…?)
4. [The Challenge] Take up strap slack till jet pack is snug in place, then hide excess strap…where? Maybe thru slit under girth belt?

Good idea though.
View attachment 237678

Unfortunately, some of Geekdad’s method involves some contortionist skills. I don’t bend that easy anymore. :p
Iron beat me to the link. If you didn’t find it using the search function here, it’s not your fault. It is notoriously bad. I usually have better luck doing a Google search with Dented Helmet added in the search or without if you want to widen your search. There are other sources out there with good ideas from time to time.
You are quite right…for some reason Google returned about 4x as many hits on this site, plus other sources. Go figure.
One of the Mando merc guys I troop with does this with his merc kit his vest is attached to the back plate armor amd the vest is slit down both sides. It just goes on right over his head...if you loose the sake of alittle accuracy you could achieve this in a boba kit but it wouldn't fly for 501st approval
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