ROTJ - X-Shaped Triglide Belt Adjuster Diagram


Well-Known Hunter
Hello Fellow Fett's!
Many of you know who full metal fett is. The vendor who offers pretty awesome metal parts for the Jetpack Harness in the Cargo Hold! (I have his entire line up of metal parts and highly recommend his stuff) Today, I wanted to discuss the "X-Shaped Tri Glide Adjuster" that goes on Fett's Jetpack Harness Belt and how functionally it is meant to be configured. Here is a pic of Full Metal Fett's part...
FullMetalFett - X-Shaped Triglide Adjuster.jpg

I was never good at rigging that kind of stuff up. And for those that don't know what and where this piece resides on Boba, you can see it in this screen shot....
Boba's X-Shaped Triglide Adjuster Buckle.jpg

Again, I don't have the slightest clue on how that adjuster goes on in a practical/functional sense. I'm guessing you'd use it to tighten the belt. My original plan was to simply slide it on like this and then slide it into position off to my left hand side....
FullMetalFett - X-Shaped Triglide Adjuster with Seat Belt.jpg

But I like the idea of it being configured in a manner that would make it useful. Does anyone know of a diagram which show how exactly it is meant to be hooked up? Any intel on this matter is appreciated!
:cool: (y)

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So after looking at a few examples I found on Youtube. Here's a link I found that I think this kinda best illustrates how it should be rigged up.
(0:18 thru 1:36)

Here I've marked using masking tape where you'd need to sew the seatbelt webbing to the X-Shaped Tri Glide Adjuster....
FullMetalFett - X-Shaped Triglide Adjuster with Seat Belt  -Pic 1.jpg

And then running the seatbelt webbing through the Jetpack Harnesses Frame, like so....
FullMetalFett - X-Shaped Triglide Adjuster with Seat Belt  -Pic 2.jpg

It's actually a lot easier than I thought. I think I was just thinking about it too hard.

Can anyone here confirm if this is how you guys are doing this?

So after looking at a few examples I found on Youtube. Here's a link I found that I think this kinda best illustrates how it should be rigged up.
(0:18 thru 1:36)

Here I've marked using masking tape where you'd need to sew the seatbelt webbing to the X-Shaped Tri Glide Adjuster....
View attachment 234285

And then running the seatbelt webbing through the Jetpack Harnesses Frame, like so....
View attachment 234286
It's actually a lot easier than I thought. I think I was just thinking about it too hard.

Can anyone here confirm if this is how you guys are doing this?

That’s how I did mine, although mine is just like the one in the YT video.
So after looking at a few examples I found on Youtube. Here's a link I found that I think this kinda best illustrates how it should be rigged up.
(0:18 thru 1:36)

Here I've marked using masking tape where you'd need to sew the seatbelt webbing to the X-Shaped Tri Glide Adjuster....
View attachment 234285

And then running the seatbelt webbing through the Jetpack Harnesses Frame, like so....
View attachment 234286
It's actually a lot easier than I thought. I think I was just thinking about it too hard.

Can anyone here confirm if this is how you guys are doing this?

I've always wondered about that! Good post!
....I mean, you may as well. full metal fett has the X-Shaped Tri Glide priced nicely and if you're going with his US Divers Buckle, then this should be ordered along with it.

Good post, and just another thing to get for my Fett lol. Something I've been wondering is what do you do with the other strap? The one not attached to the buckle. Right now mine is just loose and the girth belt covers it, but it would be nice to have it secured or something. It's so hard to tell what is going on there from pictures, the seat belt strap all just blends together.
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