??Interest in WOF Glove Patterns and Custom Gloves??


Well-Known Hunter

My latest project has been a set of patterns for Fett Gloves. I have been searching high and low for some leather gloves that would work for Fett, I was just not happy with the parade gloves. So the plan was to create a pattern and make my own. Well just so happen that in the middle of creating the patterns I found the prefect leather gloves for my Fett and they were only $8, they just need to be dyed light grey and add the finger patches and they are complete.

So the question before you all is weather or not you want me to finish the Glove Patterns?

Here is a pic of the right glove from the first draft of the patterns. These are real rough and made from felt and completely hand sewn, (my sewing machine is in for service)

Please let me know what you think of the glove and if I should finish the patterns.

If there is enough interest I will complete the patterns.

Also I was also wondering if there is any interest in custom gloves. I was thinking on offering a custom glove service, each pair fitted to your specification, size color, etc…

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I'll be the first to say "Yes PLEASE" post your patterns. :lol: Plus I'd be very interested if you start making gloves as well. I need to pick up a couple of pairs.

I'll add my YES! to that! Alan, your stuff has been spot on thus far IMO; Templates would be great, but if you decide to offer finished gloves that would be outstanding!

My Wife would absolutely kill me twice if I were to spend $80 plus on Fett gloves like I've seen elsewhere; Any ball park figure as to what you might ask for a pair of finished hand shoes? :lol:
From the templates you have made in the past I would be interested in any Fett related templates you would ever think of doing.:thumbsup: Your templates are awesome.
:) Alan, I would definitely be interested in glove templates. Speaking from personal experience I know your templates on dead on. Now where do I go after the helmet? The gloves? the jet pack? the gauntlets? you are making it a lot easier for the scratchbuilder to make an accurate Fett and any new templates would be received with unending gratitude.:thumbsup:
I too am not real fond of my parade gloves. I like the way mine look, but getting on and off can be a pain. I always feel like I am going to destroy them. I would love to see your templates. Also wouldn't mind finding out your $8 source for the perfect Fett gloves;)
Thanks guys I'll finish the templates and get them posted.

As for cost of custom gloves it will depend on the material cost and I need to get my sewing machine back and run a test set to see just how long it is going to take to put a pair together, but I would like to keep the cost under $40. Also, if someone supplies their own materials the cost would be reduced.

mrgr8ness said:
Also wouldn't mind finding out your $8 source for the perfect Fett gloves;)

I was wondering if anyone would ask about those. Here is a pic of my $7.74 Walmart find. They fit perfectly and are made of goat skin and are very comfortable, I think they were made by Dickies. Just a little dye job and they'll be perfect. I have the perfect material for the finger patches.


Talk about strange, I went to Walmart's website to see if I could order the Gloves you found online and I got this:

We're sorry!


The Walmart.com Web site is temporarily closed. Please visit again soon.

What Happened?!! That's so strange!
I know what you mean about Strange. I went back to Walmart to pick up a few more pair of gloves and it appears that I am not the only one that liked them. While all of the rest of the pegs are fully stocked the one that I wanted is completely empty.

Luckily I picked up four pair when I had the chance.

SD68 said:
:) Alan, I would definitely be interested in glove templates. Speaking from personal experience I know your templates on dead on. Now where do I go after the helmet? The gloves? the jet pack? the gauntlets? you are making it a lot easier for the scratchbuilder to make an accurate Fett and any new templates would be received with unending gratitude.:thumbsup:

Yep, exactly what he said, and I don't think it could have been said any better than that.

:eek: Glove patterns?! Sweeeeet! I say "YES!" to those patterns! I don't have gloves for my custom Mando yet, so this would be great if I could make my own gloves instead of endlessly searching for something I like.

WOF, I doubt you even have to ask if there's any interest, because with your templates and patterns, there's always interest. :)
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I'll check and see if I still have one of the labels and maybe there is a model number. They are from Dickies and they are called "Drivers Gloves." None of the Wal-Marts in my area even have this glove anymore.

I found the first pair by accident there were only 3 pair on the shelve and some of them weren't even priced. I ended up taking up an extra set that was priced just to buy the ones that I wanted. For the next 3 pair I had to try on nearly 2 dozen pairs in 3 different Wal-Marts to find ones that fit me. The mediums seem to run a little on the small size, while the large size are huge. I have been breaking them in this past week and they do feel nice, even better than the silk lined pair I got a Nostrums. I doubt that they would make great work gloves though, the leather is just too soft.

But let me check and I post it later tonight hopefully.

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