Insulation foam


Active Hunter
I'm trying to source some insulation foam for making a master to use on a vacu-forming table. Does anyone know the right stuff to use or where it can be found? I remember using it a school a few years ago.

Thanks in advance

Under no curcumstances should you use great stuff. Reinforcing with fiberglass or making a master from plaster is a better choice, I would think.
Under no curcumstances should you use great stuff. Reinforcing with fiberglass or making a master from plaster is a better choice, I would think.

Whats wrong with great stuff, better than crap stuff I would say!:lol:

I've seen some one use foam for making their master for clone armour and then vacu-form over it. I did something similar on a smaller scale back at school and had no problems
Hey Dan I posted a thread here the other day looking for similar stuff, can you give me a heads up if you get any helpful info? :thumbsup:

I got a tip off from KOTE boards that you can pick up some blue foam from a builders yard. Normally used for insulating walls, so I'm going to check it out. It sounds like the stuff I used at school.
Because in an enviroment where it cannot get the proper ventilation such as a large enclosure, the great stuff will exspand, and exspand, and exspand. Untill it busts the seams out of whatever you put it in.
Because in an enviroment where it cannot get the proper ventilation such as a large enclosure, the great stuff will exspand, and exspand, and exspand. Untill it busts the seams out of whatever you put it in.

Hmm, I dunno if we are on the same wavelength here. I'm not talking about expanding foam, more like rigid styrofoam, it keeps its size and shape. I used it before but a long time ago, and don't really know where to get hold of it in large sizes.


Foam is a pretty generic term that covers a variety of material from polystyrene to polyethylene. They all have different properties. I think you are looking for a rigid polyurethane foam.

Polyurethane comes in different densities and colors. For your purpose, you will need a minmum 4lb density, but 6lb foam is better (and more expensive).

You can buy it on the web at

Also, check your local Yellow Pages under "Insulation" and ask for polyurethane foam. They will sell it in sheets or cut to size.

I have a place locally that has 3'x4'x3' buns that they run through the bandsaw to any size. I asked them if they ship, and they said they would. If you would like to give them (Wester McArthur)
a call the # is (800) 628-1281 and ask about shipping you some samples.
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