I feel like an expectant father...

Asylum's Custom Armor Progess Thread

My armorer just emailed me photos of the armor I'll be taking delivery on in a couple of weeks. I'm so excited! I can barely wait to get started.

I'm a total newbie to costuming but I'm a longtime model builder so I think I have the requisite skills to do this.

Anybody want to give the newb some words of advice or encouragement?

Raw Armor.jpg
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Wow, that looks like a great set. Looks to be vac-molded plastic, no?

All I can say is to be careful, keep all fingers and toes, don't glue yourself to anything*, and be sure to give us progress pics.

If anything comes up that prevents you from completing this (i.e., loss of limb, finger, what-have-you) you can always send it my way. :)


*Seriously, a friend glued a part himself to a latex muscle suit. suffice to say, it was funny to hear about.
Yes, that's a professionally vac-molded set from a good friend who makes armor for the NE 501st.

Sounds like the usual model building rules.

As for progress pics, you betcha!

Now I gotta find a bucket. I'll start with a DP as I'm trying to do the whole suit for under $250.
Yeah, I know most of the vendors there were too. The number of guests that canceled was just totally unacceptable and the fact that the hotel was under major renovation made an otherwise nice hotel a bit of a dive.
Unfortunately its the only real recurring con in New England of its type and the NEG always does good for Toys for Tots with the crowd. This year was a bad year for celebs though. (Except Elvira and Josie Lee and Erin Moran was a hoot in the bar at night.)
Yeah that and there was NO shuttle from the train station as stated in the flyer, and the number of guests that cancelled really was unacceptable. I had a suspended license so I had to take tranes there, it made what should've been a 45 minute drive into a 4 hour trip with all the waits for trains and what not, so after all the **** I went through to get there, no one was there. I was pretty ticked.
Wow, that looks like a great set. Looks to be vac-molded plastic, no?

All I can say is to be careful, keep all fingers and toes, don't glue yourself to anything*, and be sure to give us progress pics.

If anything comes up that prevents you from completing this (i.e., loss of limb, finger, what-have-you) you can always send it my way. :)


*Seriously, a friend glued a part himself to a latex muscle suit. suffice to say, it was funny to hear about.
sintra is cheap, you can just buy some right now
Yeah that and there was NO shuttle from the train station as stated in the flyer, and the number of guests that cancelled really was unacceptable. I had a suspended license so I had to take tranes there, it made what should've been a 45 minute drive into a 4 hour trip with all the waits for trains and what not, so after all the **** I went through to get there, no one was there. I was pretty ticked.

Those of us that paid $185 for a booth and $100 for the hotel and $50 in fuel to and from and $250 for our help and $100 for food and drinks and only walked out of there having made $1,000 weren't all that thrilled, either. I definitely feel your pain.
Advise wise use an x-acto to cut that armor. Go slow using several shallow passes. It will help you maintain control and minimize slipping with the knife. Take your time. If you're going for a DP for a helmet get the 95 if you can. It was the best of the DP run.
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