Humbrol on various kinds of paint


Active Hunter
Hello fellow Fetts!
I was curious on people’s experience with Humbrol. It was my first time using the stuff and while pleased with the initial results I did find it a little troublesome to use.

I had a small piece of Fiberglass that I primed, and rattle canned on a color. Let it fully dry, used the humbrol let it dry and then covered it up with another rattle can color. Once that dried I peeled off the humbrol and the desired effect was achieved. My trouble? Was applying the humbrol. It seemed to bead and wanna run, while I was able to get what I wanted I felt it was kinda difficult to apply.

Is there any difference using airbrush paints vs rattle can paints. Does it apply any better?

Just curious is all. Thanks in advance for and suggestions.

If you had trouble with the humbrol bleeding or running away it's most likely that you've either diluted it too much or your compressor was set to too much PSI.

In regard to adherence it's important to not just use primer on plastic parts but something that forms a bond between the plastic and the primer. In German it is called 'Kunststoffhaftvermittler', lol. If you don't use it in many cases the primer won't stick. Also as word to the wise always stay within one type of paint (eg, only acrylics, enamels or lacquers). If you mix them you can get all kind of unwanted effects.

Hope that helps :)
If you had trouble with the humbrol bleeding or running away it's most likely that you've either diluted it too much or your compressor was set to too much PSI.

In regard to adherence it's important to not just use primer on plastic parts but something that forms a bond between the plastic and the primer. In German it is called 'Kunststoffhaftvermittler', lol. If you don't use it in many cases the primer won't stick. Also as word to the wise always stay within one type of paint (eg, only acrylics, enamels or lacquers). If you mix them you can get all kind of unwanted effects.

Hope that helps :)

Thanks Strider - I’m applying the humbrol by simply applying it by brush. I found it was more manageable once it started to dry in that I could get it right where I wanted it. Just curious on folks experiences with the stuff.

If I’m understanding correctly, it sounds like you are using Humbrol Maskol, correct? Masking fluid to achieve a chipped paint effect? I believe the confusion may be from you calling it “Humbrol.” Humbrol is simply the brand name, and more often associated with their line of enamel paints.

In my experience, masking fluid is easy to control and apply with a brush or a sponge. If you are having beading issues it could mean the masking fluid is too thin, or perhaps you are applying it over gloss paints and that is causing the issue? It’s hard to say without knowing exactly what you’re using.

I worked on a piece today with both airbrush and rattle can paints, and I didn’t notice a huge difference in the application or peeling or the masking fluid.


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MrMoldMaker - Indeed you are correct. It was Humbrol Maskol I was using. And it very well could have been that I simply didn't shake it up or stir it well enough before trying to use it.

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