holster straps

Jango 5204

Active Hunter
O.K., as instructed i've been reading for what seems like days to get my answer, couldn't find it. Questions: What is the width of the leather straps that connect the belt to the holsters. Is there any how-to info on the holsters. It looks like (from what I've been reading) some people are having them made. I have a Tandy store close by and will probably tackle this project on my own. Gracias.
Some people can't answer right away. Most people work during the day.

But if you give me til later tonite I'll take a shot for you with ruler right next to it.

SEEKER said:
Some people can't answer right away. Most people work during the day.

But if you give me til later tonite I'll take a shot for you with ruler right next to it.


Yes we must slave away to be able to fund our Fett addiction. *twitch* *twitch*
Here you go.

Hope it helps.


No problem. All these measurements are based on the Master Replica Westar's Pistols. Since they were scanned from the real deal, I scalled my whole armor to them.

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askywalker98 said:
Dang Seeker, that must have been trickey!

yep, many months of work and lots of hours. thats why i keep upgrading my armor. :lol: its actually fun. Thats why its hard for me to let go. the painting will never be complete.:)
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