Help with urethane


Active Hunter
I am sculpting and casting a Superman Returns S. I know that it was cast in urethane. I have never worked with it before and would like to know a few things.

1. Where is the best place to get it? Can I get all I need at Home Depot?

2. Does urethane Resin need a hardener? (Can someone tell me exactly what I need to cast?)

3. Any downfalls to this method?

Any help would be greatly appreciated people. Thank you.
1. not at home depot. If you don't have a plastics supplier in you area, you order on line at smooth At least look at their webpage and get an idea of the number of choices you have. Most 2-component chemicals are mixed by weight. If you don't own a scale, you might want to look for a product that mixes by volume.

2. Yes. Urethane has 2 components, A & B. They usually mix 1:1 by weight.

3. Be sure to use a mold release, or your mold and part have become one.
Skip the foam latex until you have lots of money and a degree in chemistry.

There are flexible urethane foams, if you want an easier route. They mix similar to previous answer.
Are there different kinds of urethane? is there a specific product I should get? Does Urethane resin have any flex to it when it is cured?

Thanks for your help by the way!
plastics have a shore hardness scale. D scale for ridged, and A for flexible.

the lower the number, the softer the material.

The best way to determine what you want is to request some cured samples.
You want Smooth On Smooth-cast 300!!! You can die it any color you want with Smooth On pigment. Its slightly flexable but very strong and holds its shape. I think it has a shore hardness of 60. Its what most of the props you see sold are made of. Its an easy 100% A / 100% B mix ratio and cures quickly. Quickly enough to do a slush cast with it if you wish to. I think it runs about $25 for a 2 quart kit and $60 for a 2 gallon kit.
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