Has anyone bought a jet pack from that guy on ebay?

cookiemongoloid said:
And, sorry to sound like an idiot, but what are MLC packs? I've never heard of them, and I am kind of new to the Fett business. I just started buying parts recently. So I am very new to all of this. Again, I apologize for my ignorance.

Don't feel bad, I'm in the same boat as you. I'm quite new to this as well, and I'm often stumped when faced with the acronyms that are apparently quite popular on these forums. I too would like to know what an MLC pack is, if anyone would be so kind as to shed some light on the subject...? I'd be rather appreciative of any help.
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The MLC jet pack is an extremely lightweight and well made jet pack produced by a very trustworthy and reputable prop maker. Many of the "veteran" Fetts you see on this board have MLC packs. Mine is on order and hopefully be in my possession soon. It requires very little assemble and is pretty much ready to paint right out of the box. The contact for this pack can be found further up in this thread. He's from Northern California.
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Hey Ice, yeah I did, a little over a week ago. My laptop has been in the shop for the last week so I didn't have a chance to post pics, so here are some.

My observations are the jet pack body is a sound construction with a nice smooth surface to work with and paint, made out of a strong and thick layer of resin, but filled with foam that probably adds a tiny amount of weight and will need some carving out to run the dowl through for the thrusters and to make some room for an internal straping system. I asked him to leave the back plate off so that I could install a recessed door and he kindly obliged, however, I believe they come with a back plate as long as you don't ask to leave it off like I did. The resin pieces will need cleaning up and straightening. The four cylinder finals are unlevel by themselves and will need some sanding and accurate positioning on the body to make them look level on the jp body. The rocket base will need some sanding with 60 grit sandpaper to eliminate some oval warping to make it round, and the rocket tip needs some clean up as well. Of course all the little greblies and piano keys will need cleaning up too.

I made an arena jp out of my first one because the body needed so much work. I could do the same with this one and it would go a lot faster because the body is solid and ready to go, but I think I might attempt to put everything together as a classic jp just to see how it comes out.

All in all if someone doesn't mind the assembly work and cleaning, I think these are a great deal for the $200 price. I also have an MLC and hope to get one of the new MLCs and I love that jp and its weight, but I think these jps can be made to look very good with just a little more work and being acceptable of the extra weight.:thumbsup:
Just my opinion and hope this helps, Cruzer






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Thanks for sharing the info Cruzer. I have purchased one of these jet packs also. I was a little nervous at first, but after reading your posts, I beileve everything will work out fine. Please keep us posted of your progress.
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So would you suggest getting one? Or get an MLC? Im a guy on a budget, and I dont have too many modeling skills. What are they recasts of anyhow?
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The thrusters are solid resin casts with no hollowing what-so-ever on the bottom. Can anyone elaborate a little on what a MB jet pack was or is?
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I have one of MB's new jp kits, that I've never gotten around to finishing. I compared all the pieces and body, to the one pictured. ALL of the details match. You can even see the "webbing" at the top of the fuel tanks, from the vac-forming process. Looks like he went from recasting Golden armor, to recasting MB's :angry
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I have a version 2 MB kit and I guarantee that is a recast of it. From the piano keys to the shape of the body and most definitely the thrusters. Recast all the way.
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MB is one of the first guys to produce Boba armor for purchase. His web site got many of us into this hobby, and I know he has worked on Star Wars costumes for Disney in Florida. I agree with you guys...I've seen these jet packs on ebay for a while and I've always thought they were cast off of MB kits as well, I just wasn't sure since I no longer have one.
Cruzer said:
The thrusters are solid resin casts with no hollowing what-so-ever on the bottom. Can anyone elaborate a little on what a MB jet pack was or is?
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Bounty's Hunted...how does one go about ordering one of your Jet Packs? I just received a kit from Golden Armor, and as you already know, it's heavy, warped, and less than ideal. Your kits sound great. Let me know how to get one! Many thanks.

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Thanks Hansoloway, I've always assumed these style of jps were casted from the Don Post jp off the lifesize Boba statue. Guess my assumption was wrong.

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Sorry bro, Jaster Blaster, no progress as of yet due to holiday stuff. We decided to have this year's Christmas luncheon at our house for everyone, so between my wife's list and mine of stuff to do, I've had no time. Things should be settling down though now that the biggie(Christmas) is over. But I'm still torn between a classic or arena so I'll drag my feet on this project until I decided either way. I've got MLC's V1 classic, so more than likely this jp kit will end up an arena since the classic parts need a lot of clean up and work to get out the warps.:confused
Thanks for asking and I'll be sure to post pics once I get started.
Later, Cruzer
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