Girth Belt Finished!!!


Active Hunter
I dyed my girth belt today and I couldnt be happier!!!:) I followed evan4218's thread on dying the girth. I let it simmer for the full 1 hour with a full bottle of Rit scarlett dye then rinsed and dryed with a hair dryer. This is how they turned out:thumbsup:




Hi I have a couple of quick questions. Where can I order this online including the dyes and the belt itself AND how did it smell when it was in the boiiling pot? Did it stink up your house?
Hi I have a couple of quick questions. Where can I order this online including the dyes and the belt itself AND how did it smell when it was in the boiiling pot? Did it stink up your house?

Finding the dye is the easy part. The girth belt is the tough part... :facepalm

If you use RIT Dye, it does not stink up the house.
As for finding the belt I found mine at petsmart. There are some horse web sites out there that offer them also. The smell was not really bad at all as ripcode said. Just dont stand over the pot for too long..:p It did not bleed onto my suit. I rinced it out until clean water was running out and then squeezed all the excess dye out. No bleeding here. :) I have another belt that I will be doing when it gets to me that will be for sale later on.
As for finding the belt I found mine at petsmart. There are some horse web sites out there that offer them also.
I have a tip to offer on your quest to finding a suitable girth belt; ask for a western style girth belt and mention that you mean a one made from several attached ropes. After I saw the pics and the mention that these are girth belts that can be found at horse accessory shops, I asked a friend at work who is obsessed at horses fot possible retailers. She informed me, that I was most likely looking for a western style girth belt, and I was lucky to find one for about 12 bucks..
You'd need to go through the same drill as the above girth belt was dyed, except you use the other color RIT dye instead of the scarlett red. Correct? I just got my girth belt in the mail today, now I just need to find out the easiest way to make a set of straps so that I can wear it and so it'll be a little more adjustable than some and much more comfortable. I guess I'll just get some black 1 or 2 inch nylon webbing and some of the quick clips and attach the girth that way.

i've got a question. how wide should the belt be? i've got a 37 inch waist, how much of me should be covered with this?
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