Father In Law Fett ROTJ Build

Revisited the armor one more time with the weathering and added some black acrylic paint to tone down the yellow and give it more of the dirty look. Used the reference photos as closely as possible. Shoulders and knees should be done in the next day or so.

Paints so far have mostly consisted of spray paints.

Rust-Oleum - All Found at Home Depot
Base coat - Metallic Silver (Not Pictured)
Striping Yellow
Spruce Green for the light green highlights
Hunt Club Green for main color
Flat black for first coat of weathering and then spraying Hunt Club Green over it to tone down the black splatter

Windsor & Newton acrylic paint applied with a brush and diluted with water. Wiped off with wet paper towels and a sponge.

I know not many have used a wired brush like the one that I did, but I liked the results it creates. Lightly scratched up every piece in multiple directions.

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The Papa Fett build continues... Finished up the paint and weathering on the shoulder and knee armor. Going to work on attaching the knee darts next and then place the stickers on the chest armor and the shoulder. Just painted the silver on the gauntlets and will start masking that in the next couple of days. Still plenty to do, but my Father in law is loving it!

looking forward to seeing this all completed as your skills at painting are way out there
with the best! I've been using old surplus paints that I've had laying around and its hit and miss with what's in the can as most are unlabelled ! so thank the lucky stars I haven't hit the pinks or purples yet o_O
Another big item to check off the list!! Studied the reference pictures for about a week before we started tackling the gauntlets. Used Rustoleum Metallic silver paint for the base and then Claret Wine for the top color. Used black, red, and blue acrylic paints for some of the details and weathering. These are the first pieces that we have used the dead flat clear coat and it turned out really well. Used the gloss clear coat for the rocket and then went over some of the areas again with the acrylic paint. On to the jet pack!!

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