thank you, i also agree and would like to say its nice to hear from you again.
could you email me with problems you found as im just finishing the new moulds and would like your input.
as for the passing of info...i may just clear this up myself and completly pull out of the dented helmet for this one reason...anyone can post anything..true or false.
im not arguing that he may not have liked them, its the situation and the claims hes making on how it was dealt with but most of all....the insult to my wife which in my veiw was very low, i also have personnal reasons for taking offence at what he said,i was more than willing at the beggining to sort this out, well now hes added more to it, claiming ive been harrassing him with emails, he brought it to the board and even people who have never dealt with me are slamming, i just felt it was my opnion that if he could bring this to the board( which was also a threat in his emails) then i would have to answer it on the board.
i apologise to all dented helmet members who feel this should not be allowed, as for the mods maybe they want to see sjy prove what hes saying or me proven wrong......youve got to admit though, this thread is better than watching neighbours on tv lol.
could you email me with problems you found as im just finishing the new moulds and would like your input.
as for the passing of info...i may just clear this up myself and completly pull out of the dented helmet for this one reason...anyone can post anything..true or false.
im not arguing that he may not have liked them, its the situation and the claims hes making on how it was dealt with but most of all....the insult to my wife which in my veiw was very low, i also have personnal reasons for taking offence at what he said,i was more than willing at the beggining to sort this out, well now hes added more to it, claiming ive been harrassing him with emails, he brought it to the board and even people who have never dealt with me are slamming, i just felt it was my opnion that if he could bring this to the board( which was also a threat in his emails) then i would have to answer it on the board.
i apologise to all dented helmet members who feel this should not be allowed, as for the mods maybe they want to see sjy prove what hes saying or me proven wrong......youve got to admit though, this thread is better than watching neighbours on tv lol.