eBay Sellers To Avoid

The -list of good eBayers- was removed, and perhapes This one should be to. what one man doesnt like another will love, its all a matter of taste. I am not defending anyone here its just my own view.

I thought SJY to present his case good far and honest without any biased opinion, He has facts and presents His case well, if there is emails that say otherwise by all means post them to get this out, so we can get both sides of the story.

Its not a matter of FNS steppng into the an argument as much has it is presenting all the facts.
Sigh! Yeah, I'm a con man and ripoff artist. Isn't it obvious? I payed Frank-N-Son-2 for gauntlets, and loved them SO MUCH that I've ordered new gauntlets from Ruffkintoy.

Go ahead and provoke me all you wish, "NewFett." This is the last I'm writing on the matter. I tried to talk to you like an adult (as if we're supposed to believe YOU aren't F-N-S-2) and you sent me insulting e-mails WHICH, I do admit, I sent insulting e-mails in return to.

I think the majority of the posts in this thread about F-N-S-2's work sums it all up. If a mod wants to delete or lock this thread, then please do. I don't want to be responsible for a big 'ol arguement thread and "NewFett" seems to have come looking for a fight.

sjy, fns is the one who REPLIED to insulting emails, had you not sent those emails and insults this would have been avoided.
ruffkintoys...i know where his gauntlets come from ?????????.

lets drop this now and get on with our lives,if anyone wants to talk like adults then email him...if not then dont
newfett said:
i know frank-n-son-part2,ive seen your original emails and the insulting ones you sent

Well newfett, you have implied that you know F-N-S2. If you know him well enough to find out what was in the emails between him and SJY then you're probably able to find out where his originals from.

newfett said:
and by the way his wife doesnt suffer from downs syndrome.

And I've not yet found a reference towards F-N-S2's wife having Down syndrome.. where and who said this?

newfett said:
his email from when he recieved them is about 2 months ago, he asked for money back last week.
his email dscribed them as smashed up ( story changed on the forum)

Now to prove this point you would have to show us that e-mail, but since you've already said that you can't then why state this?

Ruff has put forward a question, one that you seem to be trying to avoid answering. You've jumped to F-N-S2's defence, and have said that he has been in the room with you while looking at this forum. Why can't you answer this simple question?
As I got a couple of days ago (8th june) an email from F-N-S regarding my posting, I now want to put it in here, including my answer, to clearify the reasons for it and avoid possible misunderstandings for all TDHers.

I also want to make it positivly clear that he wrote to me in a friendly and not insulting way, as you will read, so we hopefully can discuss it in an adult manner.

Hi htere

to clearify the points you mentioned and the reasons for my posting:

>>From CBG in Germany:" bought my Jangos from him to when he was still
>> selling
>> under the name of "frank-n-son" only (i wouldn't be suprised that it >>was
>> shut down due to the many negative responses from buyers, so his know
>> since a
>> couple of month as frank-n-son 2 (what ingenious creativity!)). Had the
>> same
>> problem with the shape and no accuracy at all. I took me a whole week
>> (doing not
>> much else) to bring them to the state that thea are in now.
>> Also I get to know his sloppy attitude to customers, as he should have
>> included not only a sabredart but a grabbing hook too (which was >>missing of
>> course) it took me 5!! months of emails and waiting to finally get that
>> furter
>> piece of crap (the wings are just a gag. It looks more like a Flash
>> Gordon
>> Rocket!).
>> I also noticed his blocking thread. After a fellow german ordered also >>a
>> pair of Jango's and they were even worse than mine, he tried to get >>back his
>> money for that crap (which he didn't get as you may guess). Shortly >>after
>> that,
>> he added a general note to his auctions that no german bidders were
>> accepted!!! I'm wondring how that guy can still find anyone to buy from
>> him?! But I
>> guess it's mostly noobs like I was then who fall into his pit."
> the fellow german you mention was offered a full refund but decided to
> keep
> them.

If it was like you say, I would have officially apologized for this statement, but I just asked him about that, and he still claims, he never got an answer to his request, especially not an offer for a complete refund. As I know him enough, that I see no reason, why he should accuse you falsly, I stick to my statement.
Are you certain we mean the same german?

> as for the dart, i thought i made it clear we didnt make that type
> but
> would make you one for free,

I was under the impression, that the sabre dart I requested first was the type of dart which you usually don't make, which was the reason I never complained about that. I mean the mainbody was a simply needlelike thing with three plastic wings attached to it, which even didn't have all the same size! (which is really something you would notice even without a lot of referance pics and usually don't send to a customer as a regular seller!), but I thought that was the prototype, so i didn't complaint.
If you state now the grabbing hook was the unusual dart, it woulnd't change anything as than the sabredart would have been low-grade.

> why didnt you reply and tell us what you
> thought,so that we could improve it, we have now improved them with help
> from other
> fellow ebayers and will be making them shortly.

That's a great point!
At first:
I didn't complaint about the sloppy done gautnlets and the misfitting shape originaly, because at the time I bought them, I was unaware of what kind of available gauntlets were around. So knowing it not better, I just assumed, that your quality was the standard of what you can get. Now I know it better, that the standards are much higher, even for those nearly at the same pricerange.
I did send you a lot of referance pictures (some even with marking the faults) to you, because I really wanted to help make the gauntlets better, but now after I realized through all the comments of other recent buyers that your stuff has the same quality as before without obviously any improvement, that's the reason, why I got angry afterwards and posted the way I did.

I mean, you are a regular seller of those stuff to earn money, as such, you simply have a responsibility to the customers, to research about the parts you will sell, before you produce them.
Sure there will be always small flaws, which you overlocked but will be corrected during the producing progress, but your gauntlets have so many obvious big flaws, which you could have avoided easily, even by simply checking on some common pictures (like the ones in the illustrated enzyklopädie which you can get for just a couple of bucks vie ebay). As for example the wings of the grabbing hook. It looks to me that you never bothered to look at any pic of it, otherwise you would have noticed that they have a completly different shape as you made it (and surely weren't made of such a thin foil-like easy-to-bend (and break) material).
As well as the non-fitting shape of the two halfs of a gauntlet.
Of course you may state that you can squeeze them into place and of course it will not break completly (but mine for example got little cracks from that on the round end parts). But for a regular product (even for your prize), they simply have to fit without to squeeze them at all!
But obviously from the pictures of other just recently delieverd sets, you didn't change a bit and I'm sure, although I didn't complaint about it, some others had, so you would know about it.
If you were just a guy who built those pair of gauntlets once for himself and sold it later, I wouldn't loose a word, but from a regular seller I simply expect more than that.

Of course it can be happen, that some parts didn't turn out during the producing as they should be, but as a regular seller, you have to scrap those parts and make new ones and not simply send them to the buyers anyway! That's sloppy and reckless, and that's what made me angry afterwards as I read all those posts (and surely not all of them can be liars and conmen as your friend new_fett stated!). I didn't say much about mine, because you stated they were the Jango prototypes, but know I realized, it had not much to do if they are prototypes or not as the usual ones aren't better.

> im not sending this email as a way of getting at you as i liked you and
> you
> were very fair with us waiting for a long time but the facts about your
> fellow
> german are incorrect and again unfair.
> you never complained about the gauntlets, you took them in and said
> nothing
> except about wanting the grabbing hook.

As stated above, I did said something (not that I don't want them, but that they have flaws) and send you material for improving the flaws.

> i do hope we can communicate about this, if i dont hear from you soon then
> i
> will understand you want nothing to do with it.
> thank you

I hope, that made clear why I wrote the post. I'm the last one who want to tread someone unfair and although I admit that I should have used a more moderate formulation in some parts of my posting, in the end, I wrote nothing that was incorrect and how I experienced it.

Thank you
with kind regards

PS: To clear misunderstandings about my posting for others as well, I will also post this letter in the forum.
message from fns2.

gorman: the downs syndrome issue you refer to is between myself and pacaa ( sjy)

im not avoiding any questions, i do not use this forum myself and therefore do not wish to get into any arguments with any members about anything.
i can see that some poeple who have bought from me have had problems ( may i also point out a lot have not)

i will be sorting out any problems between myself and my customers outside this forum.
i have instructed newfett that if he is to carry on using this forum then he does so with no reference to me, if i wish to say anything i will join myself and say it.
i do apologise to anyone not involved but feel that the forum has become ( for a better word) a battleground and it will cease immediatly.
thank you
So if you know where he got the originals then why not say it? It does sound like you are avoiding the subject by not wanting to post about this anymore.
and unless there's a problem with typing in England, there are some basic errors in yours and FNS' typing that are very similar to each other!

Such as not placing captials at the beginning of paragraphs and sentences and some mis-placement of letters within the words. Constantly, not just once or twice!

Now I'm using the reply that Wasp posted for this comparison. Could other people check out this and tell me is I'm wrong or not?
Ouch. Slammed in open forum by a friend.

Frankly, I am not a "go to guy" for anyone, I just say you can get some stuff here (insert prop maker name here), and maybe for less. They are nice folks and they make fan-made stuff IN LOW QUANTITY...not factory manufactured stuff to TK-what's-his-number's specs from Malaysia or Manilla. Hmmm...ambiguous am I, but you all know who/what I speak of.

Out of courtesy, Cal, I sent you money out of my own pocket to keep my name untarnished. I guess I look like a D-bag anyway.

Oh well...I am glad I have taken some time to get away and get some perspective. Returning today helps even more.

Sometimes folks on TDH are just sooooooooooooooo particular. Frankly, it is only realized once you get out of the "I am so obsessed with the molecular accuracy thing" about Boba...sheesh! I really could not force my self to buy 20 different cans of spray paint or hire a car painter to apply micro-mist bursts of Claret to my printer output masking templates for my MSH-BS Bucket Factor X.2!!!!!!

Clones Rock! :cheers and squeeze the Shee-Ha-Ha-Foo-Fa-Fah out of it!... BECAUSE we all break one day!


cal196 said:
You better be right when making such glaring observations. I to had my run in with Frank-and-son LEt me just say I dont have them anymore. He isnt completly lieing I know first hand that what I recieved wasnt what was pictured. I wasnt going to say anything because I know Bigaboy to be there go to guy.

BTW you cannot squeeze anything. IT will break.
Frank-n-son (cough!) I mean New Fett, first off Your gauntlets did not fit well at all. And all this rambling on sounds very bi-polar! But I WILL back you as far as I made your kit with alittle creativity and they came out GREAT, however your packaging was poor and I did have to re-make some of the parts because they were damaged due to the fact. I hope you continue with improving your quality and service then I know your customers will be alot happier with your product!
Lots of slamming in open forum and no mods are present...odd. I bet this string would be soooo moderated if everyone was slamming SFP or Anton.

Another thing look at this funny picture of a "Reservoir Penguin"!!!...
Last edited by a moderator:
English boba....did you buy your armor from vader fett or vice versa.
Either way it looks the same and so does the build of the person wearing it.
Maybe im wrong but do you have 2 identities on the TDH.
Both in southend.
I suppose I'm asking for trouble, but I'll throw my hat into the fire...

I've noticed those gauntlets on eBay, and I considered buying them too. But though I've only started building my Fett, I've been researching for nearly 5 years, building a knowledge base on prop makers/sellers prices, quality, and reliability. FNS's products looked enticing for their low price, but small unclear pictures led me to question the craftsmanship. I'll also point out that though they're usually offerred as a B-I-N sale, at about 3 sets at a time, the exact same photo is used each time. This cannot by any means be "what is pictured is sold"

Regardless, since I've not dealt with FNS, I cannot make any claims to character or product. However, like anything, some people will be happy, some will not. With eBay, you take risks - something that everyone should well know in advance.

To note: the best quality sellers have their own websites, clearly detailing their work, and are very communicative to their clintele.

Though I will not name any, I am familiar with several tried and true makers of gauntlets. I have seen their work, and have corresponded personally. These are the people that I purchase from. Anything else is a gamble. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't.

Let me also remind everyone that we do this hobby because we like it. No one needs to measure up to anyone else's standard but their own. Your own Fett costume needs only to please yourself. Whatever budget or accuracy level that you are shooting for is really up to you.

The final point however is this: Ruffkin's question has still been left unanswered. NewFett does seem to privy to a lot of information on this matter. If you do not know the origin of these gauntlets, couldn't you just ask FNS?

Just some things to consider.

I debated making another post in this thread after having said I was done with it, but now that others are starting to slam each other, I feel I need to say something.

When I first started this thread, I did not intend to cause infighting among members. I started the thread to state my case, explain what had happened to me, and to warn others that they should be cautious when dealing with FNS2.

I don't recall calling anyone names or attacking anyone's character... only the products and service, stating that the gauntlets were worthless to me and the seller gave me attitude.

Then, "NewFett" shows up and calls me a liar and conman. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, granted, but how does "conman" fit into this? If I were to return the gauntlets, how would I benefit from the experience? By definition, the term "conman" insinuates that someone comes out ahead. Had FNS2 replied to any of my e-mails and said something like "hey, sorry you don't like the product. I can't refund the shipping cost nor pay for the return shipping cost, but I can refund you the cost of the auction only," I would have been fine with that. But as I got no reply, I got angry.

I have asked a Mod to come in and take a look at this thread, and to especially pay attention to the members "New Fett" and "Darth Nut." I assume Darth Nut is FNS2? He seems to have the same posting style (make a post, realize he forgot something, then post again immediately) and writing style as New Fett (except now he's capitalizing the beginning of his sentences, probably due to Gorman's point in an earlier post.) A mod should be able to check the IP addresses of both New Fett & Darth Nut and see if they're from the same computer.

If the Mod makes the thread goes away, great. I think enough information has passed among members so that they may make up their own minds regarding the situation. And a side note to FNS2: Leave me alone, already! I said my piece and don't want to deal with you any more! You have my money and I have worthless gauntlets that don't fit together. You win. You don't need to continue sending e-mails to me through eBay and any other means you can find. It's pretty obvious who's sending them, what with the subjects being "Lying Conman!" I am deleting the e-mails and have blocked you from IMs.

PS: You never did tell the others where you got your original gauntlets from. I don't think that one was ever resolved and I do believe there is a board policy against recasting...

- joe
You know the trouble I had with Him John, You did everything you could to keep the peace, and This is in no way your fault, IT just seemed like He was throwing it off on you. and it wasnt even your responsibility.

I sugar coated the story really, agian its nothing you did but IF you remember back 8 months ago, maybe you will remember some things said by them that didnt come to pass, and I forgot about it and went on.

I hadent seen you in awhile, so dont think its a cheap shot. I know it seems that way because you and FNS keep in touch, but you can email Him yourself there is no hard feelings between him and me that I know of.

BigaboyFett said:
Ouch. Slammed in open forum by a friend.

Frankly, I am not a "go to guy" for anyone, I just say you can get some stuff here (insert prop maker name here), and maybe for less. They are nice folks and they make fan-made stuff IN LOW QUANTITY...not factory manufactured stuff to TK-what's-his-number's specs from Malaysia or Manilla. Hmmm...ambiguous am I, but you all know who/what I speak of.

Out of courtesy, Cal, I sent you money out of my own pocket to keep my name untarnished. I guess I look like a D-bag anyway.

Oh well...I am glad I have taken some time to get away and get some perspective. Returning today helps even more.

Sometimes folks on TDH are just sooooooooooooooo particular. Frankly, it is only realized once you get out of the "I am so obsessed with the molecular accuracy thing" about Boba...sheesh! I really could not force my self to buy 20 different cans of spray paint or hire a car painter to apply micro-mist bursts of Claret to my printer output masking templates for my MSH-BS Bucket Factor X.2!!!!!!

Clones Rock! :cheers and squeeze the Shee-Ha-Ha-Foo-Fa-Fah out of it!... BECAUSE we all break one day!

I agree that I think it would be best for this thread to be removed. What began as an expression of bad experience has escalated into a slagging match.

Unfortunately eBay does carry a certain number of risks, and although I don't like to admit it, it is something we have to live with. I sympathise with anyone who has become a victim of poor representation on eBay, but urge people to remember that there are many reputable sellers out there with untarnshed records who are respectable members of this forum.

In terms of members of this forum, all members of this forum have a responsibility to be courteous and respectful towards each other. It is clear that seasoned members are well aware of this and follow this value without thought or question. I feel that in recent months there have been many who have sought to cash in on this community, and have entered merely to antagonise and abuse what this forum is meant for.

I may not have been here for as long as some people, but I feel I uphold the morals that are attached with being a member, I encourage other newer members to do so also.

Thank you

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