Danakin's custom blasters - PICS

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I finally got around to finishing the weaponry for my custom Mandalore.
The rifle is a modified 'budget blaster' from Rimshot. He did most of the work, I just changed the grips to wiper blade tracks and repainted it.
The pistol is a repainted Nintendo lightgun, cheap but effective. It's probably gonna stay in its holster the majority of the time, so I didn't put too much work into it. I'm still trying to think of something I can do to spice it up a bit. I was thinking of adding a scope from another toy gun, but I dunno. I left the trigger red so I don't have to waste anymore con time at security; I've gotten enough crap for a friggin' lightsaber before...
Anyway, enough rambling, here's the pics:





Woahh!!! Thats some impresive looking hardware there!! Perhaps a bit more silver weathering would add to the realism, but awesome pieces regaurdless! :thumbsup:
On a side note: You actually got flak for bringing a lightsaber to a con??? I've never actually worn a suit to a con before, & of course I understand the need for heightend security, but how strict are they these days???

Jango's kid wrote:

On a side note: You actually got flak for bringing a lightsaber to a con??? I've never actually worn a suit to a con before, & of course I understand the need for heightend security, but how strict are they these days???

It's a funny story actually. You see at SDCC in 2002 I bought a Parksaber from Parks' booth in the con. An hour or so later security stops me and tells me I can't have anything like that and that it needs to be checked at the head security booth. Apparently all costume equipment needed to be attached to your costume somehow (wth?). Anyway, I get to security and I'm there for like 10 min while they decide to actually do something. Another guy shows up and asks what's wrong, he learns and grabs the saber, ties a red ribbon on it and sends me on my way. He must've thought it was ridiculous too. Oh well, I haven't had a problem since.

But anyway, thanks for the comments. I'm gonna try and add some weathering to the rifle sometime, I was just eager to show it off.
Yes, way to go with the Nintendo zapper! Be forewarned, at cons you will likely be approached repetedly by people making jokes about Boba being a Duck Hunter. I had several of them, so I turned one into a crappy ESB sidearm, and my friend is using a couple for his custom.
Very nice Dan! I actually thought about using a nintendo lightgun but i bought a jango blaster and repainted it instead. Very nice work on the rifle as well, makes me want to add a stock to my custom rifle.

Edit: Thanks Jaster, made it last night.

Great work buddy!

I would have noticed this before, but I've been working all day..

Again awesome work! It's a good think you did happen to leave the trigger red -

BTW.. Krillindb, nice banner ;)
Well, that blaster looks familiar ;)

Great work fixing it up Dan, I love the wiper blade mod, much better than what I originally had on there.

Rimshot wrote:

Well, that blaster looks familiar ;)

Great work fixing it up Dan, I love the wiper blade mod, much better than what I originally had on there.

Thanks man. Like I said you did most of the work, it's a real solid build. I just touched it up a little bit. I was gonna PM you this topic sooner, but I kept forgetting :p. Thanks again.
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