

New Hunter
Hello Ladies and Gents! I've been viewing the large number of varients on this site for some time now. I have finally finished my own costume and would like you all to see it. I'm going to be uploading more photos when I can so that you can see the jet pack too (It is a Jango arena pack FYI). Constructive critisism is welcome.

P.s. I may be interested in selling it.



And another re-painted Jango is born. Nice paint job, though. I like the guns. Excuse me if I'm a little critical, but aren't most of the "custom" Mandos on here just repaints of Jango and Boba? Where's the imagination in that? Again, I don't mean any offense at all. Just wondering.
And another re-painted Jango is born. Nice paint job, though. I like the guns. Excuse me if I'm a little critical, but aren't most of the "custom" Mandos on here just repaints of Jango and Boba? Where's the imagination in that? Again, I don't mean any offense at all. Just wondering.

Not exactly a warm welcome there!

Some of us choose to have our armour based upon the only two Mando's seen on films, nothing wrong with that. Others choose to indulge their imaginations a little more, nothing wrong with that either. Choosing one style over the other doesn't entitle anyone to verbally bash someone, just because you don't like the way they've decided to make their costume. :angry
For the record there is nothing in the Star Wars Expanded Universe that says "NO OTHER MANDALORIAN WORE ARMOUR OF THE SAME STYLE AS BOBA OR JANGO FETT" I know because I've read it all (to date), INFACT: ALL the artwork you see in the graphic novels (such as Open Seasons) shows Mandalorians in armour that is remarkably similar to the Fetts differing in only small details, artistic license and colour (not including KOTOR era Mando's or Deathwatch of course).
Everyone comes here to be part of the community and for advice, support and friendship, play nice or don't play at all.

BTW Nice armour theHype0
Didn't mean to flame, in no way shape or form. I just think that it's more fun to completely re-design the Mando but still stay with the basic shapes. Most of the Mandos I've seen on here are INCREDIBLE, this thread included, and as a costume builder know how much effort goes into making all this stuff. I would like to reiterate that I totally am NOT flaming. I was just expressing an opinion in general. I guess it just came out wrong. I love the color scheme on the Mando above and those pouches are WAY cool. The whole thing looks great. Sorry again.:wacko

N'eparavu takisit - I eat my insult.
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That is some nice looking armor, thehype0. It seems a shame to do all that work to turn around and sell it.

While I'm not as custom as others I tried to stay away from "cookie cutter" as I call it. I like how just a different paint scheme can change the look of a Mando. I try to tweak my costume so it stands out a bit, my armor is standard but I add things to my helmet or kit.
Didn't mean to flame, in no way shape or form. I just think that it's more fun to completely re-design the Mando but still stay with the basic shapes. Most of the Mandos I've seen on here are INCREDIBLE, this thread included, and as a costume builder know how much effort goes into making all this stuff. I would like to reiterate that I totally am NOT flaming. I was just expressing an opinion in general. I guess it just came out wrong. I love the color scheme on the Mando above and those pouches are WAY cool. The whole thing looks great. Sorry again.:wacko

N'eparavu takisit - I eat my insult.

make a thread about it then, because that was rude
Jeez, he was just saying it might be cooler to have an entirely different take on the Jango/Boba outfits, that's all. He wasn't attacking anyone, it just happened that this was a half-decent place to mention an OVERALL thing without making a new thread. He even said he wasn't trying to be overly critical or whatever.

Lighten up folks.
Also, thehype0, nice digs. I was thinking of using a pouch too. How else can you carry grenades, extra ammo, datapads, etc., yeah? I was thinking of more of a rucksack type design though, and on the back. Do your smaller pouches open?
Also, the cape thingy is pretty neat, what's it made out of? Leather?
I also dig the boot plates.

The only suggestion I'd make is that you should tuck the pants into your boots and then put the guards on over top. I think it'd look a little neater than having your pants unbloused.
looks great, love (is that leather?) Serape, half cape..? think the flightsuit needs a tad more drastic weathering so that it doesn't contrast quite so boldly with the black. This however might just be a lighting issue with the picture. Love the Variant I am working on one myself I respect the hard work that makes a variant good cause it's very hard to have movie quality suit and not have the ease of a ref. CD or pics from something on exhibit. I think you did great.
Definitely one of the better customs that I've seen... Great job... I love it... It has everything that makes Jango/Boba so cool, I love how its uniform but mismatched at the same time. You get the best of both worlds. Very clever scheme. ;)
"Jeez, he was just saying it might be cooler to have an entirely different take on the Jango/Boba outfits, that's all. He wasn't attacking anyone, it just happened that this was a half-decent place to mention an OVERALL thing without making a new thread. He even said he wasn't trying to be overly critical or whatever.

Lighten up folks."

no, because when you start off a comment saying "another repainted jango/boba is born (not exact qoute)"
that is rude, no one has imagination, or else they would make a mando ridiculously crazy, and you couldnt tell it was star wars

if you have a problem with customs, make a thread about it
I havent done a whole lot of research on all this "Mando culture" and whatnot, and I sure as heck am not an expert on the Star Wars Universe, but I was always under the impression that Jango Fett (and Boba later on) used Mandalorian armor from the past, and adapted it to their needs as hunters. Maybe I'm wrong, but I assume this would mean that the original Mandalorian armor that they used was just a simplified version of their outfits that we see in the movies. I think different paint schemes on an "original" Mando outfit would be considered customized. That comment was kind of out of line, not a good welcome to the board. If I had been met with that response when I joined, I doubt I would have come back.
as far as the repaint comment fer one thing look at the open seasons books or look for some page grabs, most of jasteers group have the style of armor that we "re paint" there was alot of color differentiation there. people work with what they have and alot of us like the supercommando armor as is or with variations other then color so if u wanna repaint a boba or jango armoe more power to ya because you had the imagination to come up with a cool color scheme that you like to make you stand out in the way you want to stand out. so i digress i like your colors they do flow in a very different way and dont get rid of it you should troop around a lil bit give it some mileage before you get rid of it. hopefully i did not do any toe stepping i like others find the o another repaint to be a tad offensive because people pour there money time and effort into making these suits happen
Haha. No I’m scared off by anyone. I respect everyone’s opinions.

To 'Marx Tandish': That green pouch has been something that I've had lying around the house since I was a kid. I've recently replaced it with a cream coloured WW2 pouch (I will update the photos when I can) from a local army surplus store. If you want to then you could type "Army utility/ ammo pouch" into eBay and you'd get whole lot more.

To 'BobaFettDaddy': No offence taken mate! I really cannot think of anything that my costume has that Boba and Jango didn't have. My only dream was to produce a costume that didn't adhere to the movie costumes. That way I could avoid comparison =)

To 'Kantis Nolef': Yeah I do feel odd about selling it. But I will hardly wear it and I'd like to think that somebody else would want it and put it to good use. Maybe someone who doesn't have the means to create their own as I have been lucky enough to =).

To ‘OrtharRrith’: Thank you very much. Same to you too.

To 'Rat-a-tat-tat' Thanks Dude. Yeah I couldn't cope without someplace to keep my misc. The small pouches? I have seven, or eight, of them I think. I only used five in the photo because I needed room for my large pouch and pistol holster. The majority don't have sides, so they are only a flap of material that opens and closes, but they still look the part. However each one has a small 'pen holder type thing' inside. Two of the pouches are slightly larger than the others. They have sides so they are fully enclosed and they clip shut like the others. Each one is just big enough to squeeze my mobile phone into (Which is a bit of a brick too).
I bought a large, raw leather hide from eBay for £20. I cut my cape from it (Adding only a few rips and tears of my own) and still have enough left over for another cape. I drilled two small holes into my collar plate. I then impaled two solid nails through the holes and cape in its place. I then clamped the nails around the collar plate with pliers to prevent any chance of self harm, and any chance of harming innocent bystanders (Although everyone seemed to stay away from me the one time I did wear it).
Yeah the boot tuck sounds good to me. Thanks for the comment mate.

To ‘skirata’: Thank you very much for the compliments and yes, it is indeed leather hide. I keep it hanging over one side just like Boba. I haven’t even thought about weathering my flightsuit yet. What would you suggest for doing that? Thanks again. I’ll keep an eye out for your work.

To ‘Devilstar2K2’ + ‘hapajedi’ + ‘Rabid Bantha’ + ‘Wildabeast’ + ‘lloydKristmas’ + ‘Grizzly’:
=). You are all very flattering, haha. Thanks to you all.

P.s. I wanted to post some pics of my jet pack but my digital camera is causing me trouble so they'll have to wait. Later guys!
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