Custom blaster poll





Thought more people would remember these.
hmm...the pistols look cool, might get away with a repaint and some greeblies.

the rifle looks too much like a star trek phaser rifle...
I agree with Jonich.

The pistols kinda remind me of the bespin security guard blasters but the rifle looks like it's from Star Trek TNG.

just my .02 cents.
I think the main problem with them is that they're too streamlined; Star Wars weapons are generally blocky, or have a hodge-podge feel to them. Trek weapons are usually refined and smooth.
And yet Jango's Westars have neither of those qualities. One might argue that most of the prequel trilogy guns are far more refined looking than original trilogy. Maybe I'll post some examples later.
Well you have to remember most of the OT weapons were modified military surplus items, making them seem blockier, while the PT had a larger team of concept designers so the weapon desgins are a little more "refined".
Its funny how the timeline and continuity are reversed...with the prequils having the "newer, shinier" stuff...

Hydra said:
Well you have to remember most of the OT weapons were modified military surplus items, making them seem blockier, while the PT had a larger team of concept designers so the weapon desgins are a little more "refined".
I think the rifle is just plain TNG arguements here. I'm going for sort of a post clone war thing anyway, so the pistols might fit w/ what I'm doing. I just don't want to do another Nerf mod. The ones that have been done are rad, but I think they're just not for me.
siberianhole said:
And yet Jango's Westars have neither of those qualities. One might argue that most of the prequel trilogy guns are far more refined looking than original trilogy. Maybe I'll post some examples later.

Take note of the fact that I said "generally," which translates into "for the MOST part." Not always. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but if you take a look at Star Wars weaponry, PT or OT, you will find that most retain a blocky shape. For example:

Pistols and Rifles

with the prequils having the "newer, shinier" stuff...

That's just the intelligence (or lack thereof) of Lucas :p
When looking at weaponry Post Clone Wars it seems as if the Empire stopped contruction of weaponry other than for their soldiers, and that Rebels were forced to take old, worn out weapons or build new from scratch. That is how I can explain the sudden downgrade of weaponry outside of the Empire.
GCNgamer128 said:
When looking at weaponry Post Clone Wars it seems as if the Empire stopped contruction of weaponry other than for their soldiers, and that Rebels were forced to take old, worn out weapons or build new from scratch. That is how I can explain the sudden downgrade of weaponry outside of the Empire.

Exactly...non-SW people are always asking why the ships and everything in the prequels look better than the ships from 20 years "later".
The reason is that except for the Empire, the galaxy has fallen on hard times.
THe Imperials are the only ones with any real power, money, or access to new technology. When you think about the Naboo ships all streamlined and chrome in epI, and condiser that Naboo was one of the richest planets in the Republic (them and Alderaan), it makes sense. The only planet in the Empire that has the kind of dollars that Naboo had in TOS is Imperial Coruscant, and the EU stories made it clear that outside the Imperial Palace, Coruscant was like New Orleans and Kowloon all rolled into one. No wonder most of the ships and weapons we see in TOC look like tossed-together junk. THe Empire had a stranglehold on the money and the manufacturing. The first thing a dictator does is disarm the populace, then instill enough poverty to make revolution economically difficult...but not so much poverty that revolution becomes mandatory.

Wow...that was long. I'll shut up now.
nicely said...also in order for the Empire to commission the overwhelming numbers of fleet vehicles and ordinance, it would need inexpensive, no frills solutions, i.e. TIE fighters looking like broke Ep.III jedi-starfighters, and raw looking rifles.
electric_jay said:
Exactly...non-SW people are always asking why the ships and everything in the prequels look better than the ships from 20 years "later".
The reason is that except for the Empire, the galaxy has fallen on hard times.
THe Imperials are the only ones with any real power, money, or access to new technology. When you think about the Naboo ships all streamlined and chrome in epI, and condiser that Naboo was one of the richest planets in the Republic (them and Alderaan), it makes sense. The only planet in the Empire that has the kind of dollars that Naboo had in TOS is Imperial Coruscant, and the EU stories made it clear that outside the Imperial Palace, Coruscant was like New Orleans and Kowloon all rolled into one. No wonder most of the ships and weapons we see in TOC look like tossed-together junk. THe Empire had a stranglehold on the money and the manufacturing. The first thing a dictator does is disarm the populace, then instill enough poverty to make revolution economically difficult...but not so much poverty that revolution becomes mandatory.

Wow...that was long. I'll shut up now.

It's a nice theory, to be sure. But if you actually do pay attention to EU (which I do), you will notice that the Galaxy was not such a poverty-stricken place during the reign of the Empire. Take a look at the vehicles and the like produced by Kuat Drive Yards; shiny, smooth, etc.

If Lucas was smart at all, he would have worked with what he had, even in the EU (such as Z-95 Headhunters, Dreadnaughts, Victory-Class Star Destroyers, etc). But no, instead, he just *had* to use lame SR-71 Blackbird rip-offs.
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