Custom armor color.

Darth Squeet

Active Hunter
Ok all you custome Mandalores, I need to know if any one has used or is gonna have YELLOW armor. If yes, let me know here so I can spend another few hours debating with myself on what color to use and draw er up.
Thanx in advance folks.;)
Just for giggles, before painting the final green, I posted a pic here when my armor was painted the undercolor of sunflower yellow. Talk about your yellows (it almost burned my retinas). I don't even know where that pic is anymore, but I can look.

Anyway, I think if you can settle on a NOT sunflower shade, that yellow could be a pretty cool idea. With a light green jumpsuit......I think that would be pretty neato as a matter of fact.
Hey that's gonna look great,
Mine was gonna be yellow armor, not jumpsuit though. But I struck on a great idea and it looks like nobody has yellow, so.....
just you wait and see.:evil :lol:
Yer gonna have to go join Jaster's board now u're a custom. And MMM, it's this:


Edit: Hmmm... Doesn't work... Anyway, it's and

Edit Edit: AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!! It shows on my browser... Might be that I have an old cached version...

Here we go.

<img src=>


<img src=>

Thanks, Secol.

Packrat wrote:

Yer gonna have to go join Jaster's board now u're a custom. And MMM, it's this:


Edit: Hmmm... Doesn't work... Anyway, it's and

Edit Edit: AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!! It shows on my browser... Might be that I have an old cached version...

Here we go.

<img src=>


<img src=>

Thanks, Secol.
:lol: anytime :)

Packrat wrote:

Yer gonna have to go join Jaster's board now u're a custom.

DS, aren't you signed up for the Mandalorian forum already? If not, we'd love to have you with us Mandalorians!

Oh yeah! Here's my Custom Mandalorian Helmet I finished recently, it's going to my next Mandalorian outfit I'm in the means of making. The Armor I'm making is NOT yellow, how ever there are a few pieces that are yellow. Just not the ARMOR itself :evil (I just told the world a little secret :evil)....


I think I did mention something about joining, Jaster, that was a while ago . I'm not done my customs yet anyways so...
I have hit on an idea though that will bring me away from worrying about any other yellow armor though guys.
I'll keep it a secret for now though.
The only thing I find about doing custom armor is... you sit and sit, skecth and sketch for hours, then when the " one " color scheme comes to you, you come on here and find someone else has already done it! I think I have changed color scheme atleast 10 different times and I haven't even got my armor yet! :)

P.S Jaster I think I might mosey on over to your board, but I might go by my character's name..

Bountys Hunted wrote:

Hmmm, yellow armor 'eh?

Yellow armor on a black jumpsuit-yellow visor mandibles on a black helmet would look particulary striking!

I'm generally in agreement with you on this one, Rex, but where you say "striking", I would add in 'stinging' (like a bumblebee, with those colors!);)
I like the idea, Squeet:D
hmm, along these same lines is anyone using red armor with a black jumpsuit? Or do I need to repaint everything?


I keep wafeling on the helmet wether to use red on the dome or black on the dome ane red on the visor. Any opinions?
I was considering darkpurple and silver with a black flight suit??? or dark orange, silver and black flight suit???
Still debating my color scheme...started out w/red+black, but at least one other person mentioned that they were doing that, so lately, I've been sitting on the bumble bee (black+yellow trim). Before I finally get to painting though, I'll probably have gone through two or three other schemes.:/
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