When you made this, What software did you use. a Visual 3d(max,Maya) or an engineering 3d prog(Solid works,Autocad)
The reson why I ask, If your planning on printing or CNCing this. Convert it to a mesh, Or Poly, Then Remove smooth groups. Thats what you will see when it is printed Or CNC. I made some realy good stuff before I realized that most software packages auto smooth things for you, For instance if the dome was made from a sphere with only 6 points of interp(Default for MAX) it will show up like a golf ball when printed into the real world. And depending how you modeled it you may be able to apply a turbo smooth, or mesh smooth to get rid of some of it but it will always look like a golf ball.
I'm Working on a Jango right now and To get the dome smooth without using Smooth groups I Modeled mostly in Nurbs. But even Still the triangle effect still will show up. But I'm making vac Mold and usualy sand and fill when I'm done so it doesnt matter much.
Just food for though before you spend money on printer time. Export to a .stl and reimport it to whatever prog your using and thats a pretty good representation of what you will get