Brow height question?


Active Hunter
Hi guys,

I have a question about the brow height. (I think that's what it's called. The reddish band going around the bottom of the dome...)

Anyway, I need to scratch build my bucket. I'm afraid I won't be able to fit my melon in any of the fantastic buckets available. I'd hate to drop the cash and find out I was right...

I'm busy working up all my ratios to start building templates. I just need one dimension that is generally agreed upon to scale everything. I figure the brow might be an easy choice.

So how 'bout it? What is the height of the brow from top to bottom???


I don;t mean to be rude here... but hm... if you can;t fit your head inside a Bobamaker... are you sure you're human? it's freakin huge!!

what about the MLC 1 ? that is even bigger I believe...

scratch building.. whatever the reason... is more rewarding!!

why's you want to know sizes anyway... from buckets that you think won;t fit you? :p

Hope this helps

If I'm reading this right, is that saying the brow is 11mm from top to bottom? I've looked at that a dozen times an never noticed that entry...


I wear a 7 3/4 fitted ball cap. I'm almost 6 1/2 feet tall. I've got a big skull. If I had access to a BM or MLC, I'd LOVE to try one on for size, but like I said, I can't afford to drop $200 on a bucket to find out I can't wear it.
hmm.. maybe check out for Fett's in your enviroment with an MS or soemthing else?

might help...

good luck on your Fett quest !!:)

make sure to post pics of whatever bucket your gonna do! especially a scratchy!! :D we can always learn from scratch builders!!
Eric - I am currently making my own bucket and have a size 59" head. the measurements i used for mine as the illustrated entry from Excalibur. Trust me even for a large head these will do
those are TK-409's measurments... Don Post Deluxe ones if I am not mistaken...

if those fit... so will the BM, MS, MLC..
R boba fett - sorry i meant the ones from Chris but posted by Excalibur, sorry for any confusion.

but as you say if Eric builds his bucket to those specs he should be ok

I got you beat! Using a flexible tape, I'm looking at roughly 62" around my forehead.

Chris' illustration lists the circumference w/out left ear at 724mm. My question is, what circumference? Is that at the brow line? If not, that's the measurement I really need.

How 'bout any of you folks out there with large buckets. What is the circumference of your helmet at the brow without the ears???


Ebrouwer - yer you got me, 62" WOW (in a nice way though :) )

When i get home i will measure the circumference of my bucket and let you know, although i am not sure if it will help you.
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