Boxers or Briefs?

Gator Fett

Well-Known Hunter
Which is it ... boxers or briefs? j/k :lol:

Seriously though, what do you wear under your jumpsuit, while out trooping? Cotton, lycrya, comando, etc.?

Has anyone tried that Under Armor stuff that is made to keep you cool? All the sports guys seem to be wearing it now adays.
Wow ... I guess my attempt to be witty, was a big flop. :facepalm I'll give this thread another day, then I will ask my question again, with out the poor attempt at humor. :lol:
BobaN00b said:
Im interested in finding out more about the under armor. But in the meantime, boxerbriefs for me.

UnderArmor is awesome. If you get the heat gear (for hot weather, or any activity during which you'll be sweating), the armor will actually absorb your sweat and distribute it evenly across your body, keeping you cooler. It sounds nasty, but it makes all the difference in the world.
I would be afraid that if you wore conventional boxers, and your friend decided to take a detour to the east or west.... he could get cut off at the border by the cod piece.........Yeowch! Briefs dudes:p
I wear boxer-briefs (yes they exist) when I'm in my suit. I'm an athlete, and I use underarmour when I'm cold, but they have stuff that cools you off? Never knew that.
Thanks for the replies. :thumbsup:

Anyone else use the Under Armor shirt under their jumpsuit? With all the layers on, I figured a cotton T-shirt would be too hot.
In reality, from the few times I wore my suit, the only places that got "hot" were the places that I had armor, basically, my chest and knees. I know from wearing my trooper, I have foam in the forearms to hold them in place, and the foam really holds in the heat. I know a few people use foam in a similar way in their gauntlets. Most of the places I've been is air conditioned too, but I have been outside in it, and that's when the sweating began. I suppose the less you wear the better, but wear something :p
fettcicle said:
I would be afraid that if you wore conventional boxers, and your friend decided to take a detour to the east or west.... he could get cut off at the border by the cod piece.........Yeowch! Briefs dudes:p

he he he.. talk about being subtle..
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