Boba's visor

Try your local hardware/DIY stores, living in America you should be able to find a a nice dark face sheild or indeed a green one if that is your preference :thumbsup:
Clone Commando said:
so then the Don Post 96' is modeled fter the ROTJ version. if so is there any mods I would have to do make the helmet a ESB. besides the visor

The DP 96 is a mixture of both the ESB and ROTJ. ESB has the yellow kill stripes, but the ROTJ bucket has the silver ear pieces, etc. You would want to repaint it if you want a good ESB. Do a search for the rouge studios tutorial here on the boards. It will help out a LOT.
Clone Commando said:
ok I want a ROTJ bucket, so should i try and find a black tinted visor. and do i have to mod the visor area of the bucket?

That is a matter of preference. I use the green face sheild. It looks black 99 percent of the time and is cheap.
I agree, the green looks fine. Also you can make your own template first from paper to get it right. Then when you have it how you like it, trace that onto your visor. ;)
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