Australian Jango Progress

Slowly slowly....

I have been busy doing a few of the 'little things'.
The helmet 'ears' have t-nuts fitted, it all bolts in nice & tight.
I installed a new Helmet liner & have wired all the electronics from the helmet to the Gauntlet switches.

I finished my knees, at long last. The kit I got was in very bad shape, but I completely re-worked them & think they look fine. Check out the before & after shots.

I got my new Cruzer Backplate & Girthbelt yesterday, both are amazing!:eek: The belt is already on my Mannequin & looks great.

I have decided to retire my Bobamaker flightsuit, I wonder if the maker will recognize the new one...:D

I cant get my Gauntlets onto the Mannequin yet, the arms are too thick. I'll try to 'thin' them in the next week.

Also, because of the work I was doing to my helmet interior, I have decided to sand-back & re-do my helmet Rubb'n Buff. It got a tad too dull from handling & one or two small scratches so, what the hell, lets do it again, but even better with more experience this time.

Enough chat, here come the pics!
Cheers Jono!









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I will have a few JD items to offer in the cargo hold soon, the thighs, shins & Backplate.
It will be a while though.

Today was a good day.
I was working on my Cruzer backplate when there was a knock at the door.

It was a delivery from the US containing the Rust-Oleum Royal Blue & Krylon Ocean Blue paints (not available in Australia) for my Jango helmet.

Big thanks go to my mate Ken from California who sent the paints to me.
It cost about US$100 to ship them with FedEx as 'dangerous goods'.

This was the last hurdle for my project, I'm all set to finish this baby now!

In other related news....
I have started painting my Jet Pack, will post pics when I can.
Also I'll be getting a set of BKBT's Jango thighs soon. :thumbsup:
I meet with my seamstress on Sunday to discuss the helmet gasket.

It's all happening, slowly but happening!

Some new pics of my progress.
I have painted my Jet Pack, it is in need of some weathering, but so far looks OK.
The top cones are attached with bolts for easy removal (Thanks Cruzer!), only roughly placed for this pic.

Next, it was time to crack open the paints I had couriered from the US.
So I painted my RF, and it's nearly complete!
All I have to do is put the RF pic in place & attach a clear screen over it.
Just putting that off till I figure weather or not to put a black edge around it.

You can Also see the bolt I counter sunk into the RF post to hold it all in place.

So there it is, a RF with 2 blue (blinking in sequence) LEDs, A back-lit RF screen with image & NO SEAM on the top of the RF.

OK, sure it took a year.....but its looking the business.






Could you share how you attached the top cones with bolts? I am about ready to put my pack together, and this sounds like a good method.

Oh yeah. Everything is looking great. Your jet pack came together very well.
Here you go FettFanatic, but I got this idea from Cruzer so all props go to him.

Just drill a hole & glue in a Tee-Nut.
The pics should explain it better...

By the way, my RF is not as light blue as it appears in the last 2 shots I posted.
Thats thanks to using a flash.





Getting closer.......Halo 3 has been eating my time of late.

Backplate & Thighs are prepped & being painted over the next few days, the backplate attachment is all looking good (see pics).

I added screw-on attachments for the JP thrusters. Pics attached.
This allows removal for transport, & still enough room (to maybe one day) fit a CO2 system.

Next is the Helmet Visor, this one has been tough. I have installed 7 bolts (so far) to hold it in place, but the gap......always the gap between the visor & Helmet!
Of course, I'll trim the bolts to length when I get it as tight as I can.

Once I get the Visor done I'll be ready to paint my Helmet, but I think I'll put that off till next year.

Happy New Year to you all at the Helmet!:cheers:cheers:cheers:cheers:cheers









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I forgot to post a pic of the finished (with picture installed) RF top, so here it is, seen from the Helmet's POV.


Thanks for all the positive feedback guys.

Looking forward to painting my helmet, its getting close...
My plan has been to get all the helmets internal componets installed before
painting so I don't scuff the final Paint job/Rub'n buff finish.
This includes a Helmet Liner, a Mic, a Fan, Mesh Screen (for keyholes), RF Servo, electronics, Visor & bolts to hold it in place.
Installing the Visor is tougher than I thought, and raised a question:

Does anyone know the width of the Visor on the screen used helmet? (See pic)

And BKBT, if your listening, what's the width of your visor, or what would you recommend?

Also, because I had to remove my armour, heres a shot showing the vest stud placement.


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