Here's another 2 ways to do it.
Shown are 2 braidsets together,one has a small snap sewn onto the end that hangs at the rear of the vest,and another snap on the shoulder near the bell.
The next shows a piece of scrap velcro sewn onto braidset,again one at rear vest,and one near shoulder bells.
Both snaps and velcro are hidden,and easily removeable.
It's a little bit fiddly,but both work.
Ah yes,it helps to sew the braids together at the 'mounting points',I use a thin,clear monofilament fishing line threaded thru the sides,good and strong,but any colour thread may be used if you sew from the backside of the 3 flat braids.They don't have to be sewn together tightly,just enough to hold them together.
Heres the photo of the snaps and Velcro method.
Both photos are the same,but the semi-tutes are different.