ESB Braids Questions


Active Hunter
I'm trying to sort out my braids, but I'm just finding more questions than answers. Posted this on Facebook as well so apologies if someone's reading it twice. I've braided up some synthetic hair, and this has led to me to conclude that there's no way the blonde braid can be one braid braided differently at either end. In the first photo it's obvious that it's much thinner, not just braided loosely.

The second photo shows the thick end dissappearing into the fuzzy mess that's the top with the thin end appearing down the back.


My thought is that it's two braids. One thick and one thin, both tied together with the rest under that fuzzy bit. The fuzzy bit tbh looks like synthetic hair or thick wool, it definitely not thin thread. It's a big black lump in the Executor and carbon freezing chamber scenes, it looks like the blonde braids both disappear into it. The carbon freezing chamber also has a big fluffy bit to the front.


The Bespin shot with the blue knot to the front seems to suggest the big tie off is nearer the blue end, which also corresponds with the torture chamber shot where it looks further back. The thick blonde braid must either have been swung around or moved to get it to lie flat like that.


The big question is just how to interpret these images. Are there actually five separate braids? One grey, one brown and one black looped together, and two blonde braids? How do they all join at the top? Is it wool?
These are good questions. I also think the blonde is two separate braids. I tied them together with black thread in a way that allows the thick one to sit on top of the thin one, then attach those to the brown one.
This thread is more than 11 months old.

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