How do you keep your braids in good shape?


Alright Fett heads, I’ve been trooping for about a year and a half, so this one’s for the real vets.

How do you keep your braids from getting destroyed? The artificial hair is easily pulled and snagged, and it’s tough to keep the braids in good shape. They continually loosen and become more unruly and messy over time.

Honestly for me this may be the most fragile part of the costume so far (although I do have to reglue a jewelry pin every few months…).

Anyway, all thoughts appreciated!
My braids are detachable from the vest, so I keep them neatly folded up in a small plastic bag during storage and transport. And I have hairspray and a comb with me in my kit (but rarely use it).
My braids are detachable from the vest, so I keep them neatly folded up in a small plastic bag during storage and transport. And I have hairspray and a comb with me in my kit (but rarely use it).

I’m mostly talking about during trooping but hairspray is a really interesting idea…
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