A different sort of Mando

Kantis Nolef

Active Hunter
I have started of what I like to call my "Party Mando". I'd like some SERIOUS input for the rest of the costume; jumpsuit, vest, shoes, accessories, ect. My helmet is pretty much done, just need to cut out and bend the lens. I have some strobe gauntlets from Spencer's Gifts. I'll try to post pics of everything I have so far.
The reasoning behind this one is I figured this is supposed to be a hobby, something that's fun, so what's more fun than a party. Lights, music, acting goofy, it's all about fun.:D
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Party Mando, huh! Okay here are my suggestions. That gauntlet hose goes to a mini or pony keg of b33r on your back. This means you will have to have a CO2 tank and a cold plate some where. LEDS are going to be your friends! You are a 'Party Mando' after all you are meant to be seen. If the KEG idea is not working go with a boom box for a backpack and have it so it hooks into a MP3 playing device so you can get everyone in the party mood. Some MC Chris or Ludacris should do it.

Anyway, I hope those help. By the way I am serious about those LEDs now.
Is that a 45 to LP adapter on the right chest plate?

Yes it is:D

That gauntlet hose goes to a mini or pony keg of b33r on your back.... go with a boom box for a backpack and have it so it hooks into a MP3 playing device so you can get everyone in the party mood. Some MC Chris or Ludacris should do it.

Anyway, I hope those help. By the way I am serious about those LEDs now.

LEDs were allways part of the plan. Alcomahol would't fly at a con but I was planning to wire up speakers in a JP, with a plasma globe in place of the rocket. I've been putting a playlist together, yes "Fett's Vette" is on there as well as a custom mix made by myself and Marek (who really needs to come back to the forums).

Laugh i did, what a fun idea. You might want a bright Yellow Helment (maybe). Or a white one......

Right now my helmet has day-glo/glow in the dark paint in orange and green.

I was thinking of either having bubbles coming out of the thrusters or I'd carry a bubble gun. This is going to be a costume you'll see/hear before you know it's there.
You could add mirrors,rhinestones or other sparkly things to it. :D I'm thinking of a Las Vegas meets Austin D. Powers look.:lol: (Danger's his middle name) ;). YEAH, BABY!! :thumbsup:

I'm actually going more towards a "raver" look but I don't want to call it a raver because I can't do the glow sitck twirly thing and I won't have any "pharmaceuticals". It'll be more neon, bright, flashy, seizure inducing. On that note, I will be sure not to have my strobes on if anyone around me is epileptic.
How about having your helmet like a mando's, but add the beerhat can holders to each side with rediculously long straws comeing out and into the helmet.

Thanks to those that gave serious sugestions, a few reminded me of ideas I had forgotten. I've decided not to post anymore progress here, if anyone really wants to know how it's going you can PM me.

I love the idea. It would work great for DragonCon!!

I`m asking for you to put the progress pics back up.

I`m sure the members with the negative comments will feel the need to refrain from using the adjectives they were using.

Please...Let see some progress on this project!!
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