2nd set of trash can armor

nice, I like the snow pattern... btw... as far as the buy'ce goes, it looks great! I'm stealing ur visor shape! lol. For a ALO/SAS mando (the 2 variants I'm doing), visibility is crucial. Not to mention the SAS mando is gonna be wearing triclops NVGs on the bucket.
@Kal, go for it, the visibility is SUPERB!

@Jason, every thing is pretty much curved already since the cans are oval shaped.

The sizes are: 13 gal and 8 gal, remember to get the lids since they are included in the price, I forgot to get them and could have used them for other things.

Just trace your pattern onto the can and use a dremel on medium speed to cut them out, BUT WATCH OUT FOR FLYING MOLTEN PLASTIC, it'll leave a mark :lol:

When you paint the cans, you can rough them up with like 200 grit, then prime and smooth or just use Krylon Fusion as your base, then layer.

If you want thicker armor, make it 2 layers of can and either use GOOP or something for plastic to stick them together.
Thanks man, if you don't mind I'd like to incorporate your visor onto my bucket. That is a sweet visor. This is how it'd sort of look. never made anything like this before I'm pretty green. lol

@Jasen, my visor design is open to anyone, who wants to use it, I think it still looks Mando enough. I like your avatar, and don't be afraid to make it from priority mail envelopes since they are FREE... THANK YOU USPS... SUCKERS!!! Oh did I say that out loud? :lol: .

And just because your green doesn't mean that you cant do it, just take your time on the dome, you gotta cut perfectly or it'll be off, but both of mine are off a little, and they still look nice.
All the russian and german camo really is is just white with black spatters brushed in a random spot, I may be able to just do that to a set of white painters pants.
yeah I think u could too... but might I suggest using dark grey and light grey spatters? Black is a dark, harsh color that doesn't occur very often in the natural environment. Greys are a lil easier to get to blend... also black shows up like none other on IR/NVG systems and grey... well grey doesn't. Just my input tho ner vod, don't get too caught up in it! lol
Thanks bro, if you look at my avatar close enough you'll see it's my bucket, took a pic of it then colored it in with photoshop. lol need to find something sturdy to make bucket #2 out of. tried some lexon today, waste of 20 bucks it snapped when i was shaping it. maybe a big outdoor trash can that should work.

just do the cardboard WOF templates and resin/glass, it's really easy, you can get a fiberglass kit at walmart.
My first bucket I made by cutting the fiberglass mat in the shapes of the WOF template and glassed them onto the cardboard bucket, my second bucket (this snow bucket) was only glassed at the edges of the connecting areas ie the cheek bones, and the dome top to face, and the visor area.
I don't recommend trying to bend plastic to form a bucket... ALTHOUGH I have seen the HOMER bucket... A Home Depot Orange bucket turned to Mando bucket.
Actually, bending some types of plastic can be the best way to make a helmet rim. Sintra works really well, but DO NOT use trash can plastic...tried that with results that fit into the "epic failure" catagory. :lol:
nah, the gray stuff is the handle from the trash can, I hot glued it to the Kama, next step to fill the gap on top with filler, and finish the ears (Hopefully tomorrow)
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