SDCC photo complaints

true, but its derailing it. if the discussion is over than lock it. If anyoen wants to personally discuss issues or non issues like so many of you have already, drop me a line.
a member has a legitimate concern (to him anyway)
and we choose to turn it into a joke
bad form guys
regardless of whether you agree with him or not, you should give him a little respect.

The Dent said this thread didn't belong on this forum, so that should have been a clue to drop it.
In my opinion, some of you guys oughtta lighten up here...if you don't like this thread, then quite reading it, and leave it for us that are enjoying it...:)....and I do know Jax from other forums; "respect" is a courtesy he doesn't always extend to others on MANY threads...I know, because I've had run-ins with him in the past myself...I know how to "take" him now.

An eye for an eye, you get what you give.
agree with you Rob. not everyone sees everythign the same way, but for those of you who know me in person, you know i extend everyone the same courtesy, but of course doesnt help online.


either DOES belong in here due to me being a custom, and i was flatout told it was most likely the BH/tdh'ers that were heard talking about it.

so again, if you wish to discuss this further, please PM me.
a member has a legitimate concern (to him anyway)
and we choose to turn it into a joke
bad form guys
regardless of whether you agree with him or not, you should give him a little respect.

The Dent said this thread didn't belong on this forum, so that should have been a clue to drop it.

Like I said above I didn't mean to turn it into a joke. In all seriousness I didn't think anyone would even pay attention to my comment, and I was with bh-7603 I figured it would get locked. bh-7603 I apologize if I upset you and am sorry to derail the main topic.
agree with you Rob. not everyone sees everythign the same way, but for those of you who know me in person, you know i extend everyone the same courtesy, but of course doesnt help online.


either DOES belong in here due to me being a custom, and i was flatout told it was most likely the BH/tdh'ers that were heard talking about it.

so again, if you wish to discuss this further, please PM me.

No problem, Jax...we see eye to eye now, and all it takes is a little tolerance for other people's opinions, the variances of online conversation and intended gist notwithstanding...
i only have a problem with a few people, most of them not on here/members here.

no ones upset me in here, just confused to the issue. as its never been stated that is ONLY ACCEPTED LEGION COSTUMES. the picture is actualy for ANY IMPERIAL/BAD GUY costumes.

at least at SDCC
...... as its never been stated that is ONLY ACCEPTED LEGION COSTUMES. the picture is actualy for ANY IMPERIAL/BAD GUY costumes.

at least at SDCC

Firstly, I have to say that your custom Mandos are very well done, very creative, and I think your work shows the time and thought you put into your designs. They're cool!

I would like to point out in order to help the discussion, that your statement quoted above is actually incorrect. Your Commanding Officer (CO) from the 501st costuming group of which you are a member (which implies that you agree to follow the rules and chain of command within the legion) asked you to wear your Storm Trooper suit. Therefore you were fully aware that your costume to be worn during the 'official 501st SDCC photo' was to be an accepted legion costume, and not just any Imperial/bad guy costumes, to use your words.

Lastly, I'm typically sleeping during the photos, so no I wasn't there. As I said before, I really dig your suits, but the issue you've brought up has been confused. You were made aware of the costuming expectation and you chose to disregard the instruction. When a person does not meet expectations, you can expect some complaints. That's really the issue.

On a side note, I think you should just err on the side of politeness and ask your CO if it's cool to wear your custom Mando in the 'official 501st shoot' at Comic Con. If they're cool with it, then get them to back you up so other people won't question it. If that's not what you want to do, then the 501st probably isn't the group for you.

I look forward to trooping with you agian in the future.
no problem. however, i defer to the leading person in charge which was the SCG command who makes the rules for the picture (no disrespect to my CoC). I know their stance from past experiance and knew from direct contact that this year woudl be no different than previous years.

if this was a DSG shoot, i would of course defer to my CoC. but it wasnt. that is all. so i guess my real gripe was, if people had an issue they shoudl approached the people runing the photo not someone who has nothign to do with the process.
i wont post this on the legion forums cause its not the place for it.

i have to disagree there... if anything, i think that is EXACTLY the place for it, since it is a legion complaint.

IMO, if it's not a legion approved costume, it shouldn't be in a legion photo. i've even gone so far as to photoshop customizations out of group photos at NEG events.

i'm not against customs, but i don't think they have anything to do with legion stuff.
normally i agre with the guy whos 1 number lower than me :)

and in most cases i woudl say you are correct, but its just simply the SCG pic at SDCC is a BAD GUY/IMPERIAL related picture, bound to ALWAYS have custom sithlords, clones, BH's, TB's and TK's. it's kinda an unwritten rule i guess. I've confirmed this with teh SCG command, so i am right, however due to otehr events members who dont normally attend the SDCC are not aware of this. this is fine, and dont mean to **** anyone off, just educate them that their complaints are noted, filed, and adjusted.

this was a responce to my inquiry to their command staff.

" :) There were a lot of custom costumes in the group photo this year."

With that, this thread is done. If anybody still wants to argue this point further, please take it to the proper 501st forum.

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