Zurath Kodul, the actual suit

Zurath Kodul

Active Hunter
I have finished the important parts of my suit, and I'd like to show you that I'm not just talk. The cape is to make the shirt look smaller. This is anly a ttemp costume, since I'm going to improve it once I get the money.
The armor is made from linoleum, and very comfortable. The gloves are just grey with some fingerless over them. I altered my Berreta with a laser sight, which I will get pics of in the next set I snap. The RF was hand-painted, with the SW:BH Screencap for the RF screen. The saber is not noticable, bit I will remedy that in the next set, stay tuned for more.
My camera went dead after these two, I'll get more when the battery charges up.
Hope you enjoy, ZK


In The Works.jpg
I'm trying to help so don't take this the wrong way, but there is a huge list of things you need to do, even if this is only a temporary set. First and formost your helmet, you MUST get a visor in it, a full visor if you can. Next your armour, it's too big, you need to trim it down to something that better fits you. The collar is too large, not to mention sat too low on you, the chest plates appear to be at least twice the size they should be, and the stomouch plate is also too big and (due to the size of the chest plates) positioned too low.
Are you wearing a vest under the armour? If not you need to, in this instance a sturdy, heavy duty t-shirt would do the trick temporarily. You also need shoulder bells, these can be made from 4" drain downpipe and will look great. Even with your cloak on, you still need them, they'll add much needed shape. Gauntlets would be good, but a cod peice and some knee armour would be better. You've made a good start.
OrtharRrith said:
First and formost your helmet, you MUST get a visor in it, a full visor if you can. Next your armour, it's too big, you need to trim it down to something that better fits you. The collar is too large, not to mention sat too low on you, the chest plates appear to be at least twice the size they should be, and the stomouch plate is also too big and (due to the size of the chest plates) positioned too low.
Are you wearing a vest under the armour? If not you need to, in this instance a sturdy, heavy duty t-shirt would do the trick temporarily. You also need shoulder bells, these can be made from 4" drain downpipe and will look great. Even with your cloak on, you still need them, they'll add much needed shape. Gauntlets would be good, but a cod peice and some knee armour would be better. You've made a good start.
I'm going to install a black mesh visor over the entire faceplate.
The armor was from WoF's temps, for a 5'8" person. I cut it to the specifications.
I had the collar that way because it kept digging into my neck, I'll adjust it when I can get a seal to wear.
I'm going to find a vest to wear under it, so no worries there.
The shoulder bells are awaiting the straps to attach it to the rest of the armor.
Cod piece is awaiting the final glue, and the knees are cut out, but not perfect. I also have shin and thigh pieces, no idea how they will look with the rest of my armor.
I don't know if I mentioned this before or not, but this is not the completed suit, it is an in-progress image. The final one will look alot better, I might even have a JP if the rest of the armor is finished before Wednesday.
I too had problems with the knees. Are you using trash cans for your armor? Does anyone know how to approach doing the knees?
No, I'm using *sigh* linoleum remnants. I just cut a strip that would wrap half-around my knee and bent it at two spots. It shouldn't look too bad when I wear it. I'll make a more permanent set of armor later this summer.
Jango newbie said:
Yes, Yes, I'm right here. Triumph has arrived. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: ...

Buddy, i'm darn sure its been said time and time again when you first posted your intentions about....

"I need to make a 501st costume for $20 a month"
(something like that anywayz)...

You couldn't make a 501st worthy costume on that budget.:facepalm
Unless your planning to wait for about 3 years of saving...

I think you have realised this yourself by now, haven't you?;)
(If not take a look at the top of this thread....:facepalm )

I would consider saving up for a while and maybe finding some part time work to help boost the money flow.:)

Once you have some bucks to play with your options on parts will be way better.:thumbsup:

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Good start but I will give you this advice, use the search function to get a basic idea of how some parts where made. Theres one of two choices, spend alot of money making props yourself, or spend alot of money buying them.

A mandalorian is one of the hardest costumes to create, it can be done on a budget if you take your time and realy focus on each piece one at a time.

The level of detail depends on comitment and desire, plus alot of time and money.
Well, I was just ruching though this one, I'll take my time and make a more permanent one later. How bad is it for a temporary set?
I did no intend this to be 501st quality, I knew that linoleum would never get in. But, to some of the people around here, this stuff is the best they've ever seen. I will take my time on the next set.
Makan, my advice for T-can knees is to cut them out of a long flat peice of TCP. After that, cut out the little peice that reinforces the inside, (shaped like an F sorta), and then glue them together. After the guing is done, shape them

After your done with that, you can use a bit of wood and screw it or glue it onto the outside of the kneepads and attack spark plugs or w/e for knee darts.

Zurath. What you should do first of all is shape that bucket! it looks okay as is, however I think you can find some nice bucket shapping tutorials in the fett helmet section. You also may want to visit tk409.com and read how to put a good visor into that helmet. You've put a lot of work into this, and I'de hate to see you give up now.
MandoMan said:
Don't forget battle damage. Clean Mando? :puke I just got done putting giant scratches and shattergun blasts in my armor. :thumbsup:
Well, I was going to work into my origin story that he kept it clean.
Nachturnus, my bucket is kinda flat. It holds a pretty good shape to my head, tho. I'll take care of all of the warping and size problems when I make the second edition of it.
Generally you have a good shape, helmet needs major revisions, such as the visor. You need some more armour, cod, knees, shoulders; try something knew like arm plates since you are making a custom. I like those gloves though, they somewhat look like the Fett gloves.

You may want to shell out about $35 for a Dickies jumpsuit, and if you can sew, buy some material for a vest, I have the plans if you'd like them, I didn't make them though. There are plenty of Tutorials on TDH for making your own items.

I hope not to offend you, but I somewhat feel somewhat insulted that you want a canon costume for $20 a month, sure that's possible, but it would take yeeeeeears (not that it doesn't for those who spend tons of money into these costumes).

When I started my Fett the first think I figured out was that this was not going to be cheap. I got lucky by finding a fully painted, newly visored DP 95 for $51 shipped on ebay, it has a beautiful shape and size, I love it; I could never part with it. My armour, jet pack, vest, gauntlets, etc were all home made. I know you've seen photos of my costume, and the only thing things I bought for that costume were the Jumpsuit, helmet, and Ruffkin gauntlets. My gauntlets were home made, I made them out of cups and trashcanned some pieces on with some ruffkin resin parts; they would have been good for a custom, but I wasn't sasfied. I then decided to replace my guantlets with Ruffkintoy's ESB set, which were $110 shipped.

This costume can be done cheaply, but... For $20 a month for a jet pack you're looking at 15 months of waiting for a $300 pack, that's over a year.

Just how old are you? If you are under 18, then I suggest you take your time in building a costume, remember, if you are under 18 you can not join the legion. You're in the Illinois area, so perhaps you should go to www.501st.com and find your nearest GML, and talk to him about joining the legion.

I also see that you would like a Red Royal Guard helmet. I would recommend that you take that on first, it would be a much cheaper/easier costume than a Mandalorian, one of those helmets won't be cheap either, perhaps $100.

Perhaps you could attempt to get a job, or do you have a birthday near by? Christmas isn't for another 8 months. I could understand if you're in a poor situation, but here at TDH we supply what we can at prices we see fit. We post photos of templates for you to build your very own pieces, but we can not just hand out a complete costume for you at a price that would be much less than its original value.

I understand that money doesn't grow on trees, but perhaps if money is a problem, perhaps this hobby isn't for you?

I know that you are dedicated to this site, and I hope that you get a nice Mandalorian costume going! I've always loved the Mandalorians, and I hope to see yours become one of the better ones, but you have to pace yourself. You may know how to swim, but the channel is 26 miles wide.

Zurath save your money for a fiberglass helmet . A lot of things can be overlooked if you have a realy great helmet. Otherwise you have a really great start and you just need to keep refining it as you go along. remember you may need to resize armor plates for your body typ.
Just how old are you? If you are under 18, then I suggest you take your time in building a costume, remember, if you are under 18 you can not join the legion. You're in the Illinois area, so perhaps you should go to www.501st.com and find your nearest GML, and talk to him about joining the legion.

Hes a member at TIA, so he's good.:p :lol: I had a BAD experience with the MidWest Garrison, mabey you can try, but don't say I didn't warn you. :facepalm
jodo said:
Hes a member at TIA, so he's good.:p :lol: I had a BAD experience with the MidWest Garrison, mabey you can try, but don't say I didn't warn you. :facepalm
He could try GMLs of other garrisons, the one here in Neon City is extremely helpful! I don't think I could have been any more lucky to have him as my GML. Fly over to www.501st.com and e-mail him.

He just built a Fett himself, so he should be able to help you out greatly!
jodo said:
Hes a member at TIA, so he's good.:p :lol: I had a BAD experience with the MidWest Garrison, mabey you can try, but don't say I didn't warn you. :facepalm
Oh, I've tried the MWG, and I made a couple of friends there, but that's it. I've gotten tons of help from TIA, TDH, MWG, and forcepike.com. I'm glad to have found you guys to help me out.

He could try GMLs of other garrisons, the one here in Neon City is extremely helpful! I don't think I could have been any more lucky to have him as my GML. Fly over to www.501st.com and e-mail him.

He just built a Fett himself, so he should be able to help you out greatly!
I'll check it out, thanks.
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