Zero’s Bossk sculpt, a work in progress


Active Hunter
so I brought some Bossk patches and thought I really should add to them...
And this is a perfect excuse to pull out my sculpting tools and start a new project.... after all you can never have too many project
I started firstly by finding as many images as I could gather from the web.... not as much out there as I would like, which is very frustrating and I don’t own one of those awesome collectible figures. So I’ll just have to work with what images I have so far ( I imagine by the time I’m done, I’ll have a good database of Bossk images)
I have some WED clay sitting around, so have decided to use that and build it up on a sculpting bust I made a few months back.
I have blocked out he basics so far, just a quick two hours from setup to wrapping in cling film to protect it and stop it from dry too much.


Still plenty of work to get the shape right, thicken neck, fix up the snout, and maybe find better eye replacements and redo the eye area.

Will post more progress soon.

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Got a little bit of time in and re did those eyes... which made me fix other areas... basically a rebuild of what I did before.
Starting to get somewhere a bit closer to the right shapes of Bossk..
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yes. more progress (y) are you only making the head or are you trying to make a full size bossk ?
I haven’t made my mind up on that yet, I may sculpt,mould and cast the feet and hands also. ( as there can never be too many available kits out there)
I will be making masks from the sculpt, and may do a display piece, yet to decide how far this will travel...
will you be making some for sale ? would love to buy a kit from you. a display piece would really make a cool thing to talk about with people that come over and see it, i know i love to talk about my boba when everyone ask questions about it :D
will you be making some for sale ? would love to buy a kit from you. a display piece would really make a cool thing to talk about with people that come over and see it, i know i love to talk about my boba when everyone ask questions about it :D
Yes I will be, the plan is to cast in latex and possibly may do one or two in silicone depending on how I like the latex ones. Silicone is more forgiving and last longer than latex and has a larger movement range, something illlook more at when I get to the mouth mechanism....
Just a couple of progress picks... you may have noticed I’m a bit picky and keep refining what I’m done, I’ll have to stop doing that soon and move on to the rest of the bust ( hopefully I’m happy with how it matches my references very soon)
One with the flash on...
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