Would you be disgusted?.

So i won this cape auction on ebay..The auction ended on the 10th, I still have not recived the item,Than i notice from the same user he is selling the exact thing! the same looking cape, so i send him a message..

From me :

Hello, i still have not recived your cape, what gives? i seen another cape on ebay auction exactly the same looks like the one you ''sold'' to me. its been since the 10th that ive won...

His response:

Sorry about that, xmas is a busy time for all- myself included. I'll ship your cape out tomorrow morning priority mail. You should have it within 2-3 days.
thx for your patience.

I ask , will you give me a tracking code of some sort.

His reply:I did not put a delivery confirmation on your cape. I sent it priority mail, 2-3 days. I remind you that it is the holiday season. Post sometimes takes longer than what we all would like this time of year. Please be patient, your cape is in the mail and on the way. thx,

does anyone eles think he is stalling me?

So should i leave neg feedback? or wait for the so ''called'' package...does anyone eles think he is stalling me?
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Nah, don't leave a neg if you do get it. You can't be sure of the circumstances. Two weeks is very poor service, but not worth a neg. Leave a neutral and comment about slow shipping.
What kind of feedback does the seller have? Has he sold other capes in the past? He could be selling a bulk of capes and using the same picture. I would wait a few days for the package but keep on him. You might receive a real sweet cape, and if will be worth the wait.
Good advice Ripcode. Don't wait longer than 30 days though. After that it's really hard to get your item or your money back. If the seller responded to your email then give em' a chance to get it to you within a week or two.
I agree w/ Judz if you get it don't give him negitive or neutral. You can leave him positive something like "recieved item as promised, only took longer than expected to get here."
Or don't leave feedback at all.
If after a week you don't get the cape, then file a complaint with PayPal.

That usually gets the seller to move a bit quicker. :facepalm

Don't leave feedback until AFTER you've got your item or money back.
Good advice, as I myself won an auction( different Item).. and was told item shipped supposedly on the 15th... but nothing yet.. but considering my recent experience with Canada customs might be a bit longer..
Kivas said:
Good advice, as I myself won an auction( different Item).. and was told item shipped supposedly on the 15th... but nothing yet.. but considering my recent experience with Canada customs might be a bit longer..

Shipping between Canada and the US "typically" can be 5 to 10days. If a package gets held up in customs that will add delays.

The holidays are really adding to the shipping times now.

So for you, I'd hold tight. It is probably on the way! :D
digital509 said:
I agree. Give it a week. And just because it says Priority Mail 2-3 days, in reality, at Christmas time, that can be a bit longer.

True. I have received several "Priority" mail packages that took 7 days.

Remember... Priority Mail is not guaranteed to be delivered in 2 to 3 days.
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